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Q: I’ve suffered from allergies this spring that really made my eyes water and itch, as well as my nose and sinuses. Everything seems better now except for my eyes, they still feel sandy. What’s going on?

A: This is very common. While you may have had some temporary springtime ocular allergies, your condition evolved into some persistent irritation. It’d be a good idea to treat your eyelids with a warm compress for a few minutes every night to clear out the glands which are necessary to lubricate your eyes. Rubbing your eyes from allergies can introduce even more bacteria to the area. A hot moist washcloth is good to use, but a heating pad or mask can hold the heat longer. Oftentimes, extra lubrication from eye drops is helpful. Relief is usually slow-going. It can take several weeks (or even months) before the eyes start to feel normal, so diligence is key.

Dr. Alex Kennedy,

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