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Avoid Pain While Gardening

Have you ever had pain after a long day of gardening? Gardening often involves sustained bent over postures that put a lot of strain through our backs and limbs. Here are a few tips to prevent this from happening this year. First, try to set realistic goals about the amount of work you can accomplish in one day. There is nothing wrong with spreading it out over a few days or weeks. This will minimize the amount of strain occurring in a single day. Second, find a cushion to put under your knees instead of bending over at the waist for longer periods of time. Your knees and back will thank you! And the last piece of advice is to switch up the task at hand frequently. If none of these tips work and you still wake up sore the next day, then talk to your physiotherapist!

Kristi Hunter MPT, BSc, Prairie Trail Physio

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