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Ayurveda Therapy

Ayurveda is an ancient medical science that is more than 5,000 years old. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge. According to Ayurveda, each person is born with a basic body constitution called Prakruti. If there is a changing nature or situation in the body, imbalance (or Vikruti) occurs. The aims of Ayurveda are Ayus (long life) and Arogya (diseaselessness), with ultimate spiritual goals. Health is achieved by balancing what are known as bodily humors or Tridoshas at all levels, according to an individual’s constitution, lifestyle, and nature. At Ayu Revive, the focus is providing the highest level of service in an environment that promotes wellness, relaxation, and beauty. Organic Ayurvedic oils, herbs, and SVA transdermal preparations are used for the treatments. Oils and herbs are chosen based on the imbalances found during pulse assessment.

Purnima Chaudhari, Ayu Revive

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