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Ayurvedic Recommendations for Summer

According to Ayurveda, summer is pitta season. The most striking characteristics of summer – the intense heat, the long days of bright sun, and the transformative nature of the season – are directly in line with pitta, which is fiery and intense. Your primary focus through the summer months should be to keep pitta dosha balanced by staying cool, reducing the intensity with relaxation, and grounding your energy. During the summer, our bodies naturally crave light foods and small meals that are easy to digest. Sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes pacify pitta. Iced drinks are best avoided, as they disturb the digestive fire and create toxins in the body. Try to avoid extremely spicy foods. Keep in mind that raw vegetables (as in salads) will be better digested if they are eaten at lunch, rather than at dinner. Cultivate a cool and calm internal environment this summer by following these Ayurvedic recommendations.

Purnima Chaudhari, AyuRevive Ayurveda,

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