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Beat Illness with Naturopathic Approaches

1. Hydrate. Water, water with lemon or frozen fruit, caffeine-free herbal teas, and soups.
2. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, healthy fats and adequate protein, fibre, and minimal simple sugars.
3. Get enough sleep so healing can occur.
4. Practice good hygiene through frequent hand washing, and for sinuses, use a Neti pot.
5. Get moderate to vigorous exercise 30-60 minutes a day.
6. Sweat. Go to a sauna or have a bath with Epsom salts.
7. Meditate. Use breathing exercises to relax the mind and decrease cortisol that contributes to the stress response.
8. Practice self-care to manage stress through dancing, yoga, or time spent with loved ones.
9. Use supplements to boost the immune system if your lifestyle isn’t as healthy as it should be. Dr. Ana Cvitko, ND, Healthy by Nature,

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