Community News
Beat The Heat – Stay Hydrated!

Dehydration is a real risk in the summer months so staying hydrated is important – especially for older adults aged 65+. Staying hydrated means that you are drinking enough fluids to make up for the fluid you lose (through sweat and urine for example) and helps you to feel alert and well. Drinking enough fluids also helps with digestion, regulation of body temperature and function as well as supporting organ function and preventing constipation. Some easy tips to ensure you are staying hydrated are:
• Sip on fluids throughout the day;
• Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge or on your table to remind you to drink;
• Drink fluids at and between meals;
• Carry a water bottle with you;
• Include foods in your diet with higher fluid contents, like fruits and vegetables; and
• Take medications with a full glass of water instead of just a few sips. While the amount of fluid you need to drink per day depends on many factors, most older adults need at least six cups and up to ten cups of fluid each day!

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