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Benefit Your Whole Body with Strength Training

Strength training builds strong muscles! Build your total body strength so everyday activities of living become easier, whether that’s climbing the stairs, carrying groceries, or playing sports. With regular strength training, you not only gain muscle; you lose fat! The beauty of resistance training is that it boosts fat burning when you’re not exercising by increasing your resting metabolism. Strong muscles help support your joints and can prevent arthritis as well as ease joint pain. Your bones might seem inanimate but they are constantly changing. Cells called osteoclasts gobble up old bone tissue, while other cells called osteoblasts lay down new bone. Resistance exercise stresses your bones, which stimulates osteoblasts to come in and provide reinforcement with new tissue. Research tells us that self-esteem soars among those who commit to regular resistance workouts. Regular resistance training improves your health, your weight, your mood, and it gives you more energy.

Reprinted with permission Curves International 2015.

Curves Southdale,

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