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Benefits of Huna Kane

Huna Kane is a restorative body massage with a rocking action.”Pain is information” is the premise which applies to Huna Kane. Negative thoughts and emotional trauma, when repressed, cause body pain, burnout, and disease which can be resolved and healed. The tight masses of constricted tissue are actually the body’s way of telling its owner what is emotionally out of balance so the person can make the necessary changes. Huna Kane incorporates all types of massage, many forms of polarity, and shiatsu. It clears the auras and chakras. It is a passive way to release the body of old baggage. The massage relaxes painful spots in the body as the person breathes deeply. Love for self and others is reinforced, thereby releasing the fears that constrict life, detoxifying the body, activating the body’s immune system and increasing the life force (mana) available.

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