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Benefits of Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology Taping, or KT taping, is becoming more popular in the sports world, as well as for the general population. The tape has an ability to stretch to 120-140% of its original length. The weight and thickness of the tape is the same as your epidermis, or top skin layer, and so mimics the physical qualities of skin. The glue is heat-activated, so it lasts for 3-5 days, even with showering or swimming. Depending on your therapist’s application technique, there are a number of potential benefits that can be achieved with KT taping, including the following: reduced muscle fatigue, muscle facilitation, reduced/delayed onset muscle soreness, pain inhibition, enhanced healing such as decreased oedema, and improved lymphatic drainage and blood flow. Depending on your injury, you may be a candidate for KT taping.

Susanne Robson, BMR(PT), BPE, Prairie Trail Physiotherapy,

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