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Beware of Crash Diets!

A tabloid reads, “Grapefruit diet’s key to losing 20 lbs. quick!” Sure, eat only grapefruit and your body weight will likely drop. The decrease you see on your scale compromises lean muscle, smooth muscle, water, bone, and body fat. The muscle you lose is one of the best tools you have for burning body fat. When you get sick of the grapefruit and return to normal eating, your body weight will likely rebound higher because your energy requirements have lowered by decreased muscle mass. Crash diets don’t work. Beware of “lose weight quick” scams. The best way to decrease your body fat is with a combination of exercise and a balanced diet. Incorporate lean protein in your diet to maintain your muscle mass while decreasing body fat. Body composition is comprised of 75% from what you eat and 25% from your exercise regimen. You cannot out exercise a bad diet.

Todd Dennis,

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