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Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy works to alleviate acute and chronic skeletal muscle injury or disorders and nervous system disruptions. Tom Bowen, an Australian who developed this technique in the 1950’s, asserted that everything in the body is interrelated so damage at one site restricts the function of the entire system. Furthermore, the body is self-healing; however, injuries or disruptions can limit this healing response. It is this healing response that Bowen therapy works toward activating, with the goal of allowing the body to heal itself. Studies have shown that in addition to restoring muscle and nervous system integrity, Bowen treatments can shift the central nervous system from the sympathetic (flight and fight) response to the parasympathetic (rest and restoration) response. As a result, it can positively affect physiological functions such as circulation, arterial pressure and heart rate, digestion, sleep, lymphatic circulation, and the endocrine system.

Julia Rempel, PhD (Immunology), Certified Bowen Therapist

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