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Breathe Pure Oxygen

The air that you’re currently breathing right now is 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. When you visit an oxygen bar, a concentrator is used to remove the nitrogen and run it through water to humidify it. The water is then used to humidify the oxygen and if desired, essential oils can be added in order to help oxygen bar user’s to benefit from aromatherapy while breathing the oxygen. Different essential oils offer different benefits, depending on what you’re looking for. Lemongrass has an uplifting scent and is an antispasmodic which is used for asthma, bronchitis, & throat infections. Vanilla has a sweet and sensual scent which can increase appetites and slows down your heart. Orange has a warm uplifting, light-hearted scent. It balances and revitalizes, fights depression and awakens creativity. Visiting an oxygen bar can help boost your mood and impact your health.

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