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Calm the Mind & the Body Will Follow

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Have you ever let your own apprehension stop you from trying something new? Some of the most amazing things wait for us on the other side of our comfort zone. As we get older, our comfort zones tend to get in the way and start to stunt our growth. With age comes wisdom and our belief is that these walls we build are movable. Expanding them to include new experiences adds long lasting value to our lives. Floating is one such experience for many people. Any trepidation of stepping into a floatation tank soon passes when you find yourself in a very comfortable warm environment, weightless with nothing but peace and quiet surrounding you. The mental and physical relief this environment provides allows for a full system reset and those once-tall-walls begin to crumble under their own weight. Calm the mind, and the body will follow.

Brad Dauk,

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