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Children and Financial Health

Are you ready to give your kids “the talk”? Many families struggle to teach their children about money management and financial health. A parent is the primary source for a child’s financial education, but most are reluctant to give the “money talk”, as they fear their own personal financial situations make them a poor role model. To open a discussion about finance, allow children to be responsible for saving and spending their own money. A small allowance and piggy bank provide opportunities to start learning about long-term financial stability. Together, you can learn how to save for a goal, balance income and expenses, budget purchases, and learn about the effects of interest. It is never too late for parents to set a positive example and nurture positive financial techniques. Take the first step towards a healthier future for you and your family by seeking help from a financial advisor.

Derek L. Chase, CPA, CA, CIRP Licenced Insolvency Trustee,

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