Community News
Coldest Night of the Year

Samaritan House Ministries has been working to reach those in need in and around Brandon for nearly three decades. Thousands of people are assisted every month through our food bank and resource centre, safe and warm shelter, literacy and employment programs, second-stage housing, and food sustainability programs. We are grateful for the ongoing contributions of individuals, churches, government and non-government organizations, and for the businesses who support Samaritan House Ministries in its efforts, through donations of food, money and time. Samaritan House Programs: Manitoba’s 2nd largest Food Bank. Safe & Warm Shelter. Hoarding Support Program. Community Garden Network. Age as an Asset Employment Training. Literacy and GED Programs. Employment Resources. Mary’s House Second-stage Housing. Volunteering Opportunities. Winter is a tough time for homeless and hurting people in Brandon. Coldest Night of the Year is a terrific way for support Samaritan House and the community it serves.

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