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Combat Depression with Acupuncture

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by both physical and psychological symptoms that can be detrimental to one’s normal daily functioning. Depressed individuals often suffer from poor sleeping habits, crying spells, anxiety, worry, poor memory, inability to concentrate, body aches, stomach disturbances and a lack of interest in activities previously enjoyed. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) does not recognize depression as a particular illness, but it aims to treat the specific symptoms that are unique to the individual. Acupuncture works primarily on treating the underlying cause of depression and rebalancing both the body and the mind to eliminate the root of the problem. It does this by unblocking vital Qi (energy), and increases the production of endorphins, leading to deep relaxation and reduction in stress and anxiety. Acupuncture also increases energy and overall wellbeing without any side effects.

Shen Dao Community Acupuncture

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