Community News
Community Announcement

Intimate partner violence (IPV), also know as spousal or domestic violence is a prevalent form of gender-based violence (GBV). It refers to multiple forms of harm caused by current or former intimate partner
or spouse. Children who are exposed to IPV have serious impacts, and is considered a form of child maltreatment. IPV can happen in many forms of relationships including:
• Within a marriage, common-law, or dating relationship
• Regardless of the gender and sexual orientation of the partner
• At any time during a relationship even after it has ended
• Whether or not partners live together or are sexually intimate with one another

IT IS A GLOBAL PROBLEM: The World Health Organization (WH0) identifies IPV as a major global public health concern, and a pervasive public health, human rights & development challenge. It affects millions of people, resulting in immediate long-lasting health, social and economic consequences. Its effects reverberates through families, and across generations. It is a leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults in most parts of the world. Exposure to IVP increases individual’s lifelong vulnerability to a broad range of emotional, behavioural, and physical health problems. IPV directly effects health care expenditures, & indirectly national and local economies worldwide.(WHO).

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