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Book Club: Throw Your Scale Away

By Kathryn McKenzie who is reclaiming the True Meaning of Health and Fitness. Is it time to re-examine your perception of health and fitness? Throw Your Scale Away! Reclaiming the True Meaning of Health and Fitness contains thought-provoking and humorous stories to highlight how measurements and expectations can affect your feelings and behaviours with regards to healthy living. This book is designed to help you discover refreshing insights, practical ideas, and sustainable solutions to help you focus on what is really important for true health and happiness.

Reach Your Potential and Invest in Self Care

When you are on an airplane, the flight attendant always tells you to put on your mask before helping anyone else. Why? Because you are no good to anyone else if you aren’t well. The same goes for everyday life. If you want to reach your potential, invest in self-care. Here are two tips. 1) Schedule YOU time in your calendar as if it were an important meeting. Start with once a week and eventually, try for once a day. 2) Use that YOU time to do anything that helps YOU be well. Take a bath, read a book, watch a show, go for a walk, or, practice mindfulness.

Product Review: Anti-inflammatory Releaf

ACTIVE RELEAF strives to inspire active wellness through the use of Mother Nature’s remedies. Offering a variety of applications from topicals, to tinctures, capsules and soaps, ACTIVE RELEAF’s plant based products can help support the inflammatory related pain of sore muscles and stiff joints. For fastest relief, their topical relief stick utilizes broad spectrum, cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract combined with the additional power of essential oils increasing the anti-inflammatory properties to help combat stubborn aches and discomfort. To support more chronic inflammatory response from within, look to their tinctures and capsules for ongoing support.

What is Computerized Biofeedback?

Computerized Biofeedback testing and Bioresonance treatment are highly effective ways of testing and treating the body. This computerized analysis identifies underlying imbalances in organs and tissues. It also identifies impurities such as, chemicals, metals, toxins, yeasts and viruses, that can cause or trigger health problems. Additionally, the testing will indicate if there is a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and proteins in the body. If an imbalance, deficiency or impurity is identified, they can then be treated with a Bioresonance wave or frequency. This wave helps to stimulate correction of the affected area or imbalance, to help your body function optimally.

Have You Heard of Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is an ancient herb of great significance in Ayurvedic medicine. Its botanical name is Withania somnifera, and it’s also known by several other names, including Indian ginseng and winter cherry. Its main uses are to treat anxiety and stress, calm the nervous system and to boost brain and immune functions, among others. It is known to be an effective nerve tonic, meaning it helps restore normal activity to an individual’s nerves. Ashwagandha is also great at fighting infection, decreasing inflammation, regulating blood sugar and lowering cortisol levels. Supplementing with ashwagandha may be an easy and effective way to improve your health and quality of life.

Growing Wisdom

Growing older is mandatory and happens with or without our consent. Growing wise takes discernment, searching, clarity, deep questioning and a willingness to try, fail and learn from our mistakes. “Adulthooding” can be hard and overwhelming with many skills to master, balance, organize and acquire in order to fully live and thrive. Sometimes it feels like we are navigating an explosive mine field or running a triathlon with little rest or camping at the base of a mountain perplexed as to how to climb the steep scaffold. Wisdom comes from listening to the quiet voice that guides us, a willingness to explore outside your comfort zone, try new books, podcasts and adventures and luxuriating in the company of other wise souls that help you dig deep into the unknown to uncover the exquisite inner knowing that lies within all of us.

Laser Treatment for Acne

Acne and acne scarring can affect one’s self-esteem and self-image, and most people who experience breakouts will notice some scarring. Luckily, there are treatments available that can help reduce acne breakouts, as well as the appearance of scarring. Laser treatment of acne reduces inflammation through photo-selective absorption and controlled heating. The laser safely destroys overactive sebaceous glands, accelerates the healing process, and stimulates collagen remodeling. This trifecta approach allows for significant acne transformations without risk, pain, or side-effects. The treatment is mostly used on the face, but can also be used on the upper torso, back, arms, and neck.

WELLness – Thank you, Live Life Alarms

My husband is in the early stages of Alzheimers. He continues to enjoy riding his bike and I used to get very worried as he would sometimes have difficulty finding his way home. Getting him a Live Life mobile alert was the best thing we have done as now I can readily find out quickly where he is. He recently went out cycling and was gone for some time so I called him on his alert pendant. Not only could I talk with him but the Mobile Alert sent me an automatic return text showing his exact location on Google Maps. This has given me so much confidence now and allows him to continue doing what he loves. Vicki Ogston.

Hurt vs. Harm

In most cases, experiencing pain after an injury isn’t causing harm or inhibiting recovery. Trying to avoid any pain after an injury can often slow our recovery because we’re not moving enough! Simple guidelines to follow in respect to activity-related pain after injury are: 1) Pain should be tolerable and not worsen with repetition. 2) Pain should not last for over two hours after activity. 3) You shouldn’t have swelling or redness in the painful area. If you’re experiencing an injury and aren’t sure about what and what not to do, contact a physiotherapist to guide you through the pain!

Wellness Tea of the Month

Irish Breakfast. Our magnificent Irish Breakfast is a stout, robust blend of Kenya and Assam teas that have superb colour and are very full bodied. This low-calorie, refreshing tea is excellent in the early morning or afternoon and pairs well with milk and sweetener. It also contains minerals such as calcium, zinc and magnesium, which are especially great for antioxidant activity and oral hygiene. Research studies have linked black tea consumption with reduced stress, and reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. It also helps fight cell damage, increases immunity and energy, and improves your mood. A tea packed full of surprises!

Kickboxing Benefits for Women

Kickboxing is one of the best cardiovascular and muscle conditioning activities for women of all ages, offering many health benefits. Some benefits include: 1) Toning your whole body. Kickboxing helps engage all of the muscle groups in your body, and helps strengthen your core. 2) Burning fat and calories fast. Kickboxing can burn about 750 calories an hour and help burn belly fat. 3) Helping with stress relief. Kickboxing can release endorphins and help you release stress. 4) Teaching self-defense moves. You can learn how to protect yourself. 5) Boosting confidence. You’ll feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.