Community News
Plaques and Alzheimer’s

According to Rudy Tanzi, the most renowned researcher of Alzheimer’s disease, half of people become patients of either kind of Alzheimer’s disease by age 85, and 95% of people become patients by age 110. Before the onset of the disease, the beta amyloid protein plaques accelerate the formation of tau protein plaques that kill brain cells eventually. So, removing beta amyloid protein from your body can help prevent you from suffering from both kinds of Alzheimer’s disease, unless there are already too many tau protein plaques in your brain. Research ways to remove beta amyloid protein from your body to help protect your brain.

Dangers of Social Isolation

Did you know that social isolation is the “new smoking” with respect to negative impact on health? Recent research confirms that individuals with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships. Clearly, this is worth paying attention to! Social isolation impairs immune function and boosts inflammation, which can lead to arthritis, type II diabetes, and heart disease. Loneliness is breaking our hearts, but as a culture we rarely talk about it. Studies of elderly people and social isolation concluded that those without adequate social interaction were twice as likely to die prematurely.

Spirituality vs. Emotional Health

Many practices recommended for nurturing spirituality are similar to those recommended for improving emotional wellbeing. This is because there is a connection between the two—emotional and spiritual wellbeing influence one another and overlap, as do all aspects of wellbeing. Spirituality is about seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself, which can result in positive emotions, such as peace, gratitude, and acceptance. Emotional health is about cultivating a positive state of mind, which can broaden your outlook to recognize and incorporate a connection to something larger than yourself. Emotions and spirituality are distinct, yet deeply integrated.

Are You Rescuing, Helping or Enabling?

Sometimes our motivation to help others looks altruistic and helpful, but it actually comes from a deeper desire to heal a wounded part of ourselves. The part that needs affection, attention, praise, validation and love disguised in the role of helping. The rescuer gets stuck in their identity of being needed. The role of helper starts in childhood respondig to the needs of others with the selflessness nature, appearing to have very few needs of their own. Focusing their lives on helping, rescuing and healing others, they don’t have to feel their own pain and helplessness. Inner burn out, over giving, resentment, selflessness, an inability to acknowledge their own needs and difficulty being vulnerable are some of the symptoms that begin to appear over time in a never fulfilling cup. When the rescuer finds the strength to turn inwards and face their needs…healing begins!

Creating Health

In a world where stress is a constant, we are at risk physically and mentally when overstimulation erodes our resiliency. Those are exactly the times when we need to be more attentive to our diet, exercise commitments, and sleep cycle in order to sustain our physical resources. This helps our mental health, which is rooted in brain health; however, flexibility in the brain’s neuroplasticity is also very important. Brainwave Optimization, with its acoustic mirror, invites new connections in our neuronetworks, sustaining us in stressful times by strengthening our mental “muscle” and function. This can be a game-changer when facing life challenges and disease.

Avoid Injury This Spring

Spring means two things: yard work and stiff, sore muscles. Stretching to prepare muscles for strenuous activities that have not been done since fall is very important. Simple things like doing arm circles, shrugging your shoulders, and touching your toes should be done before and after activity. If you do over exert and your neck, shoulder, arm, or back pain is not going away within a week, there are natural alternatives that can help. Options such as NIR Therapy and designed nutritional formulations will reduce inflammation and stimulate muscle repair to help you recover quickly and get back to enjoying spring.

Gut Feeling

Poor gut health has been linked to fatigue, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and a variety of conditions associated with nutrient deficiencies, such as anemia.
Fibre is a great way to keep things regular and increase the elimination of toxins and waste from your digestive tract. Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and grasses. If reaching the recommended 10 servings of vegetables per day seems unattainable, consider adding a greens powder to your daily routine to make things easier. Look for a product that is gluten-free, contains probiotics, and is cold-pressed, as this maintains enzymes that improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Product Review:

Prairie Naturals Red Superfoods. Remember when the green superfood revolution began? We sure do. Prairie Naturals helped establish this vital lifestyle trend of eating more colourful, antioxidant-rich plants. Organic Red Superfoods Blend is the newest member of our colourful superfood family. Made with organic fruits and vegetables, this source of antioxidants mixes easily and tastes great! Adding red fruits and vegetables to your diet can help slow aging, reduce inflammation, detoxify the blood and liver, promote gut health, increase energy, and more! Prairie Naturals Red Superfoods powder makes it easy and convenient to add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

Fault and Recovery from Accidents

Statistics from the Saskatchewan government show that, of all whiplash injuries, 89% of those not at fault made claims, while only 11% of drivers who were at fault did so. Why the difference? When something is “your fault” and you were “the cause”, things don’t seem so bad. Recovery from a motor vehicle accident (MVA) for those at fault happens within six weeks, whereas those who are the “victims” can have recovery delayed for up to a year. Whether at fault or not, seeking treatment sooner rather than later aids in faster recovery.

Community Event

Community Event
May 5. 8:30am-12:30pm. May 19. 8:30am to 12:30pm Emotional Eating Workshop. 2-part light hearted, fun & interactive workshop. Part 1 is a dynamic action packed half day workshop about self-reflection, exploring your relationship with food & emotions, new perspectives, affirmations, clean eating basics and redefining your “comfort” food. Part 2 is a half day accountability follow up to analyze what worked, what didn’t and help you formulate a long term plan with S.M.A.R.T. goals. $75. Info. (204) 612-2795

Need Cosmetic Dentures?

Teeth have three main functions: chewing food, lip support, and speech. The loss of your teeth can have negative effects on your self-confidence and your overall quality of life. Since your teeth provide structure and support to your cheeks, tooth loss can result in the sagging of your face. It is essential that your missing teeth are replaced as soon as possible. A new set of cosmetic dentures can instantly improve your appearance and remove facial flaws. Age is inevitable, but cosmetic dentures can help brighten your smile and make you feel young again!