Community News
Book Club: Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections

Complementary And Holistic Treatments For Bartonella and Mycoplasma, by Stephen Harrod Buhner.

A guide to the natural treatment of two of the most common and damaging co-infections of Lyme disease–Bartonella and Mycoplasma. Reveals how these conditions often go undiagnosed, complicate Lyme treatment, and cause a host of symptoms–from arthritis to severe brain dysfunction. Outlines natural treatments for both infections, with herbs and supplements for specific symptoms and to combat overreactions of the immune system. Reviews the latest scientific research on Bartonella and Mycoplasma coinfections and how treatment with antibiotics is often ineffective.

Shoulder Pain?

What do you do when your anti-inflammatories don’t take care of your shoulder pain?  Often, a diagnosis such as “tendonitis” is the source of your symptoms however it is rarely the cause.  So if your shoulder pain returns when going off the meds, possibly looking at muscle imbalances around your shoulder blade or your overall mid-back mobility might be the key to getting your rotator cuff tendons to be less inflamed.

With my patients, I often use the analogy of brand new tires on your vehicle.  If you don’t get the wheel alignment checked, you will always wear out the front left tire.  Our Physiotherapist, Athletic Therapist and Sport Medicine Doctor can help address your alignment so you don’t wear out your front left wheel!

For more info contact us or look out for our blog (coming soon) at

Struggling with Diabetes?

Many people living with diabetes are trying to self-manage with inadequate knowledge and skills. The best approach would be to meet with a certified diabetes education consultant. Evidence has shown that one-on-one diabetes education lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and weight, delays or avoids complications, increases confidence to self-manage and minimizes emotional stress.

With the right help, those with diabetes can lower their risk of heart attack, stroke, and damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves. Professionals can help develop problem solving and decision making skills, and teach you about different foods that affect your blood sugar and ultimately your lifestyle. A certified diabetes consultant can also inform you on medications and will help you learn how to take care of your feet and eyes. You will also have access to trusted resource for help and ongoing support to keep you motivated. Health is worth living for!

Mathilda Prinsloo
Diabetes Care and Wellness

Empowerment Circles

Embrace your path in life with confidence, strength, mindfulness and compassion. Whitethunder Empowerment Circle is an opportunity to learn through a co-creative wellness assessment and life questing. This empowerment circle has four levels, and each level is designed to guide you to better understanding and to help you embrace your gifts and path with confidence and strength.

These four levels include; Journey Inward, Rite of Passage, Warrior Path, and Warrior Rising. You will learn how to become mindful and compassionate to all things within and around us. The warrior way has little to do with physical battles; it is being calm in the eye of the storm.

Spring Cleaning For Your Cells

It’s that time of year again, when we pull everything out and give it a good cleaning. Our cells need the same consideration, as many of us have been cozy by the fire, hibernating for the last few months. Block Therapy gives your cells a thorough washing, as it removes the blocks to blood flow. Proper circulation not only delivers oxygen and nutrients for cells to function, but also removes toxins, by-products of cellular functioning and even negative emotion that becomes trapped in the tissue.

Many people are big believers in cleanses and they do often work, but they are limited in their ability to fully clean the cells if there are blocks in tissue. So this spring, give yourself the full advantage. Find a cleanse that is right for you and start Block Therapy. Your cells will love you for it!

Deanna Hansen

Adapting to change

As spring approaches early in Manitoba we can collectively breathe a sigh of relief from the burdensome snow banks and parka attire. However, the warmer sun and early arrival of geese may have your internal clock a little out of sync and thus sending you subtle pangs of fearfulness and uncertainty. One way I suggest to become more comfortable with change is to take some time to listen.

Allow yourself to integrate into your environment with a deeper understanding of what is going on by listening carefully. Listen to the subtle messages that the wind carries past you. Listen to the stories the geese are telling you as they journey north. Listen to the life coming up from under the earth beneath you. These sounds can speak to your heart and inspire you to follow a harmonious journey of fearless movement with purpose thus allowing you to accept some change as a part of your travels.

Pamela Vialoux,
Shabequay Healing

Just Breathe

One of the most under rated muscles is the diaphragm; it is a major muscle for breathing. But did you know that it is an important component for posture? Functionally, our posture and the way we breathe are interdependent. So any dysfunctions in breathing can affect posture and vice versa. Upper chest breathing is also associated with neck pain, headaches, and even shoulder pain through there over use of upper shoulder and neck muscles.

The diaphragm is also key in dynamic stability, working together with abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, and back muscles. They provide a stable core for proper pain free movement, whether it is running, throwing etc. Using an improper breathing pattern can cause compensation in dynamic stability, which can lead to strain in the low back and hips. So is your breathing pattern giving you neck and low back pain?

South Sherbrook Therapy

Brown Water?

Brown-colored water is a common complaint of householders. Elevated levels of manganese are the major cause of the significant increase in reports of brown water. Manganese levels have risen over the years in Shoal Lake, Winnipeg’s water source. Another common cause of brown-colored water is a rusty pipe. Pressure fluctuations inside a water pipe tend to loosen the rust that had been clinging to the inner walls.

Rusty water is a breeding ground for illness-causing bacteria. Also, a build-up of rust tends to corrode and crack pipes that in turn, exposes your water supply to contaminants in the air and also increases the chances of leaks in your home. Leaky pipes are one of the most common causes of mold and mildew infestation in homes. So, there you go; the rust in your brown-colored water actually has the potential to escalate into a major health hazard!

Blue Bison Water

Cancer Hair Loss

When facing a life threatening illness like cancer, hair loss should seem like the least of someone’s worry. However, that is often not the case. For many patients it is one of the most frightening aspects of their cancer journey. The fact that their hair is quickly disappearing could trigger deeper emotions than simply the loss of their hair. It can cause cancer patients to feel exposed and vulnerable. Something that they are privately struggling with is now put on display for all others to see. When they stare at themselves in the mirror they may feel as though they are looking at a stranger. The important point to remember during this season of life is that there are many ways to regain control of their appearance. Help your loved ones seek out these options. Your emotional support for a cancer patient is always important.

Pet Health

Want to get fit while hanging out with your dog?

No longer do owners need to choose between going to the gym and spending time with their own dogs. These classes are the first of their kind to be offered in Winnipeg and are designed for humans and dogs of all fitness levels and all fitness goals. Our goal is to create an environment where each individual team can be nurtured and supported in getting fit and having fun together, all while building a beautiful connection with each other. These classes can be used for socializing puppies and adult dogs, connecting with your dog, creating family time, getting an overweight dog in shape, having fun while burning off the dogs’ energy and the list goes on and on!

Contact Grassroots Canine today to get started on a new leash on life!

Shalin Hustad

Book Club: The pH Miracle

Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
by Robert O. Young, PhD, and Shelley Redford Young.

Never count calories, fat grams, or portion size again! Your body’s pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative program, proven effective over decades, works with your body’s chemistry to revitalize and maintain your health. Now completely revised, updated, and expanded, this classic guide includes the latest research and reveals the secrets of an alkaline-based diet (think plant-based, non-processed whole foods). Learn about how to remove toxins and balance your life with the incredible health benefits of this program.