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Just Breathe

One of the most under rated muscles is the diaphragm; it is a major muscle for breathing. But did you know that it is an important component for posture? Functionally, our posture and the way we breathe are interdependent. So any dysfunctions in breathing can affect posture and vice versa. Upper chest breathing is also associated with neck pain, headaches, and even shoulder pain through there over use of upper shoulder and neck muscles.

The diaphragm is also key in dynamic stability, working together with abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, and back muscles. They provide a stable core for proper pain free movement, whether it is running, throwing etc. Using an improper breathing pattern can cause compensation in dynamic stability, which can lead to strain in the low back and hips. So is your breathing pattern giving you neck and low back pain?

South Sherbrook Therapy

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