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Own Your Thoughts

Who’s responsible for your thoughts? If you are not responsible for how you think, then are you responsible for what happens to you? Are you a victim? Yes, if you think you are. Yet, it’s an illusion and is a powerless viewpoint. When you identify with your small self, you are a leaf in the wind, subject to the world around you. It means you will feel secure or safe, and you are subject to anxiety, fear of what could or might happen. Decide to choose your thoughts, and influence and reshape your world and the world of others.

Hair Loss and Cancer

New (or relatively old) technology has been around for over 50 years that actually works to prevent hair loss in cancer patients. Ice packs are routinely used in chemotherapy to prevent nail damage. Cooling the scalp during chemo can prevent hair loss in many patients and likely prevents permanent hair loss. New scalp-cooling technology is fast becoming the standard of care in the US at most of the major cancer centres, and has been used in Europe with great success. Many experts agree that a degree of control, body image, and privacy are important for cancer patients, and looking like themselves during treatment can help provide such confidence boosts.

Book Club: Beyond the Label

Beyond the Label offers a unique perspective on mental health: it shares the author’s own recovery from four major mental health conditions: anxiety, depression (attempted suicide), bulimia, and bipolar disorder type 1. The book outlines a detailed, step-by-step plan for how others can achieve optimal mental health. A combination of practical clinical experience and years of lived experience, the book shares insight into how diet, exercise, and sleep can be optimized for improved mental wellbeing, as well as strategies for coping with negative thoughts and emotions, and building self-love and compassion, among other skills.

3 Ingredient Banana Ice Cream

You will need: 2 peeled and frozen bananas, 2 T almond or peanut butter, 2 T almond or coconut milk. Optional add ins: nuts, chocolate chips, fruit, coconut, cocoa powder. Directions: In a blender, mix the bananas and the milk substitute. You may need to cut the banana into chunks depending on how powerful your blender is. Once they are partly chopped up, add in the nut butter. Continue to blend until you get a soft serve consistency. Spoon ice cream into a bowl and stir in any additional ingredients you desire. That’s it! Enjoy this healthy ice cream alternative!

Excited For The Next Chapter of Love

Being single is often very isolating. We live in a couples’ world. It is so important to have friends and a social circle, as well as taking up hobbies where you will meet new people. There are groups designed for singles’ outings, which are enjoyable, but what about love? Tiptoeing around online dating sites is often where people start, but is not recommended. An experienced matchmaker will have your best interest at heart and safely match you with the right person. It makes sense to trust your heart to an experienced professional who will present appropriate matches as they are available. This is the smart and safe way to date in 2018!

Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy

Is quitting smoking on your ‘Spring Clean List’? Have you tried just about everything, with little success? Laser Therapy is clinically proven to help to control cravings and withdrawal symptoms. In clinical studies, patients report a noticeable reduction in cravings, and have a higher chance of success in quitting. The benefits of quitting smoking with laser over other interventions include no medications with unpleasant side effects, no unhealthy nicotine in your system in the form of patches, and pleasant side effects of relaxation which are a result of the endorphins released in response to the laser.

What Defines Addiction?

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of the brain. It is a condition in which a person engages in use of a substance or in a behaviour for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeatedly pursue the behaviour, despite detrimental consequences. There is scientific evidence that the addictive substances and behaviours share a key neurobiological feature—they intensely activate brain pathways of reward and reinforcement, many of which involve the neurotransmitter dopamine. Studies show that there are genetic factors, making some people more susceptible to addiction. Are you or someone you love suffering from addiction and looking for help?

Here’s Something to Think About

Our brain shrinks as we age. Interestingly enough, recent studies have shown that brain shrinkage occurs faster in hearing impaired individuals. This happens because a lack of hearing stimuli doesn’t just affect the ears. It also affects parts of the brain that deal with speech and sound. Parts of the brain that stop receiving sound stimuli shrink at a rapid rate and can lead to early onset cognitive impairment like dementia and Alzheimer’s. If you have concerns about your hearing, don’t wait. Get your hearing tested today. The sooner you return auditory stimulation to these parts of your brain’s hearing system, the better.

New Product Review

The Pivotell Advance Automatic Pill Dispenser reminds the user when to take their medication, using an alarm and flashing light. The key benefit of the Pivotell Advance Automatic Pill Dispenser is that it makes the correct dose, and only the correct dose, available at the correct time. All other pills are safely locked in the dispenser out of sight, helping to prevent an incorrect dose or an overdose being taken. For those on a complex pill regime, taking prescribed medication at the right dose and at the right time can be confusing and difficult. With the Pivotell Advance Automatic Pill Dispenser, you will never miss another dose!

Tis the Season for Allergens to Attack

Does spring mean the misery of allergies for you? Acupuncture is an excellent treatment that will lessen or prevent the onset of seasonal allergic misery. We have all seen or experienced the tearing, running nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, wheezing, coughing, itching, rashes and eruptions that signal an allergic attack. The usual suspects are pollen, dust, hair, fur, feathers, scales, wool, chemicals, drugs, insect bites, and various foods. Be proactive; practice preventative medicine. A few needles given prior to the onslaught of these substances PREVENT a serious bout of hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or other misery.

Save Yourself from “Tech-Neck”

You see it everywhere. People stooped over their phones, tablets, and computers. Heads pushed forward. They know it’s no good for their posture, but they have no idea how much damage is being done every day. That slumped posture cuts off blood supply to the spinal cord, creates chronic pain in your neck and shoulders, and begins to form a spectacular hump on your back. Not only that, but chronically poor posture can cause breathing problems and poor sleep, which will ultimately set you up for more disease, more fatigue, and faster aging as you get older. Tackle it head-on before it becomes a long-term problem.