Community News
Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht


4 cups of organic beef broth
1 cup diced carrot
½ cup garden peas
1 cup chopped green beans
1 cup chopped potatoes
2 cups beets with stems and leaves diced
1 onion chopped
4 fresh sprigs of dill
2 Tbsp Italian seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste


Combine all ingredients into a crockpot and cook on low for 6-7 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Serve topped with sour cream.


Burn Fat, Don’t Abuse Carbs

Many leading scientists, medical professionals, and nutrition experts agree the ketosis lifestyle is the pinnacle of health and wellbeing. Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where the body burns fat for most of its energy rather than carbohydrates. Fat offers the body 225% more energy than carbohydrates. Today, most people have sugar-burning bodies, not fat-burning bodies. Fat-burning bodies typically experience better energy and fewer cravings due to balanced blood sugar levels. Typically, without several days of fasting or sticking to unrealistic diet plans, our bodies cannot reach ketosis and take advantage of this energy. So unless you have serious discipline and nowhere to go, nutritional ketosis has been believed to be out of reach… until now.

David Warfield, ForeverGreen Ketopia

The Procrastinator’s Challenge

How many projects are on your back burner?

If you’re like most people, that back burner is chock-full of tasks that have been in the planning phase for far too long. Getting stalled projects off the ground can be difficult. A plan of action is what’s called for:

1) Set a specific date & time aside for your project, allowing time for prep and cleanup.

2) A week previous, anticipate and gather all required supplies.

3) Enlist help! There are times in our life when we all could use a hand – that extra push is often what we need to see a project through to a successful conclusion.

4) Put on some great tunes, have your beverage-of-choice on hand and Get to Work.

5) You’ve done it – enjoy your results!

Done & Done Family Concierge Service

Financial Fitness

During the beginning of a training season in rowing, I always have my athletes go through a phase of weight training called symmetry and hypertrophy. The idea behind this training is for athletes to build a lot of strength and increase their training capacity. When it gets closer to race day we lower the weight and volume of their strength training and focus more on endurance. When my clients are just getting started with their investments I follow a very similar approach. I get their portfolios to do the heavy lifting early so that later on they can settle in to less risky and steadier investments. At a young age it is best to take on more risk to amplify returns. As you get closer to retirement risk is something we want to avoid.

Jesse Reitberger
[email protected]

Stop to Smell the Roses

With the summer season comes the expectation that the rush of day-to-day life can slow down. Beaches, barbecues, and vacations are all great ways to enjoy summer. Are you able to relax, quiet the mind, and actually achieve the relaxation response in your body that makes you feel like you have spent a week at a spa? As our culture becomes more technologically driven, with constant stimulus at our fingertips, people are becoming chronically anxious and stressed. Instead of achieving the relaxation response, we are experiencing the fight-or-flight response as a daily occurrence. Consider making a mental commitment to yourself this summer to take more time to literally smell the roses, enjoy the outdoors and beauty of nature, and BREATHE. Take the extra time to give yourself the space and calm you need to achieve the relaxation response. You’ll have a better summer for doing these simple things.

Maureen Becker

Product Review: Zevia

These days’ people are becoming much more conscious of what they are putting into in their body, and are realizing that regular soda is just not good for us. Happily, there is a smarter, healthier alternative – Zevia. Created with the miracle sweetening ingredient stevia, which makes it all natural and have zero calories, Zevia is a more healthful soft drink. Stevia is a small green plant native to South America, originating from the sunflower family. It is sweeter than sugar, but with no caloric value or effect on blood sugar levels. The drinks also contain Monk Fruit which is a round fruit, and Erythritol which is a natural component of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Zevia is a non-GMO verified product and certified as Kosher by the Orthodox Union. By choosing only the safest and smartest ingredients for consumers Zevia is able to offer a completely gluten free, vegan beverage!

Nutrition Plus


The ancient art of acupuncture works by stimulating our body’s neuroendocrine system to produce its own natural pain relieving chemicals, endorphins and serotonins, which help the body to heal itself. Stimulation occurs when fine needles are inserted into specific places on the body, known as acupoints.

Acupuncture is often used as an adjunct to physiotherapy treatment to alleviate both chronic and acute pain, swelling, muscle spasm and even headaches. It is used widely in sports physiotherapy, and is used to encourage and support a healthy active lifestyle. Acupoints can be picked to target various muscles, joints, promote energy or relaxation and more. Medical studies comparing physiotherapy treatment plans with and without using acupuncture found that those who had acupuncture, had faster results and longer lasting benefits. If pain is limiting your function in work, life or play, consider acupuncture as a possible adjunct to a good physiotherapy and exercise program.

Kristi Hunter, Prairie Trail Physiotherapy

Food Matters

You know good food is key to a healthy life. So imagine knowing that everyone in Manitoba has nutritious food to eat. That’s what Food Matters Manitoba is working towards. It starts in the garden, at the local grocery store, and in the kitchen. Food Matters Manitoba is a registered charity teaches good food skills for life to North End kids. We all know the troubling reality of childhood diabetes and obesity. Weekly cooking classes give kids a chance to learn how to read a recipe, food safety tips, and what goes into planning a healthy and well-balanced meal. And the best part? Kids are getting excited about healthy eating and sharing new recipes with their friends and family. Interested in helping turn our vision of good food for all Manitobans into a reality? You can help even more kids become young cooks by donating to Food Matters Manitoba today.

Communicating With Your Animal

Do you ever wonder what your animal is thinking or trying to tell you? Do you ever wish your animal could understand what you are saying? Do you wish your animals would get along better? Animal communication sessions can help! Animal Communicators are able to liaise between you and your animal(s) to resolve any issues that may have gotten in the way of household harmony. Communicators understand how cats and dogs think and feel and can respond in kind. We are gifted with the ability to intuit any ill health in cats and dogs; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Animal Communicators are often well versed in many holistic therapies including Reiki, herbal supplementation, acupressure, food therapy, crystal reflexology and crystal healing among several others. In a session, the communicator “speaks” with the animal to discern the best course of action for treatment.

Jill Saifer, Soulstice Spirit Healing

Clean Eating: Cherry Rose Pudding

1 cup Bob’s Red Mill Cream of Rice
1 cup organic coconut milk
1/2 cup rosewater
1/4 cup pitted dates
1/4 cup pitted cherries
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tsp cardamom powder
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp vanilla extract

For Garnish:
1 handful of fresh or dried organic rose petals.

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Oil baking dish and set aside. In a mixing bowl add the cream of rice, milk and rosewater. Chop the dates and cherries into bite size pieces and add to mixture. Stir in maple syrup and spice powders and pour into baking dish. Bake for 15mins until the pudding is barely set and the top is golden brown. Spoon out the pudding cake while still warm and garnish with rose petals. Serves 4.

Kalee Mund,

Book Club: Self-Compassion

The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself, by Kristin Neff, Ph.D., says that it’s time to “stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind.” Self-Compassion: She offers expert advice on how to limit self-criticism and offset its negative effects, enabling you to achieve your highest potential and a more contented, fulfilled life.Offers exercises and action plans for dealing with every emotionally debilitating struggle, be it parenting, weight loss, or any of the numerous trials of everyday living.