Community News
Prescriptions From Your Pharmacist

Did you know that your doctor is not the only healthcare professional who can provide you with a prescription? The list of minor ailments that pharmacists can prescribe medication for continues to grow, helping to ease busy clinic waiting rooms and provide you with a convenient and safe alternative. Whether you have a rash or skin infection, are interested in birth control, or are dealing with cold or flu symptoms, your pharmacist can discuss your options with you to find the best treatment. Talk to your pharmacist today to get timely prescriptions for you and your loved ones.

Exercise for SAD

SAD stands for Seasonal Affected Disorder, which is mainly attributed to the reduction in sunlight hours in winter and is your body’s reaction to the changes in season. With SAD you might feel sluggish or moody, have a loss of appetite, and even lose interest in activities you normally love. One way to combat these feelings and the wintertime blues is to get your body moving! Exercise, even light exercise, has been shown to improve mood and energy through increased blood flow and the release of certain endorphins, as well as improve sleep and alertness, and reduce anxiety and stress.

Love Keeps You Healthy

Being in love not only gives you a bounce in your step, but it also has several proven health benefits. When you are in love, your brain produces a hormone called dopamine that contributes to feelings of elation, pleasure, optimism, energy, and a sense of well-being. Physical touch, such as hugging, releases a hormone called oxytocin, which lowers stress hormones. Studies have demonstrated that people releasing these hormones have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, greater resistance to colds and flus, and decreased stress and depression. Finding your life partner has more benefits than we once realized!

Choosing Your Best Eyewear

Choosing the right frame for you can be a challenge. Most opticians have special training in how to choose the right frame. They know what styles look best on each face shape and what will also work with your new prescription. They also have a good sense of colour and design. If you are having a hard time deciding, perhaps you should consider a rimless frame – these work no matter what the occasion! Once the frame is chosen, now you have lens choices, and lens treatments. Stay tuned for our article next month to help guide you through those decisions.

Setting Healthy Boundaries at Work

Occupational burnout has been defined as a recognizable syndrome by the World Health Organization. Burnout results in physical and mental fatigue, poor productivity and overall health. Employers and employees need to set healthy boundaries to create healthy, high performing workplaces. Here are some great ways to prevent burnout: Nourish a safe culture making it ok to admit if the workload is too high. Compromise and negotiate workload. Delegate. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Create a ‘not-to-do’ list. Take breaks. Practice mindfulness. Practice saying no. Offer flexibility or telecommuting options Find more workplace wellness tips at

Smart in Everything but Reading?

Children who are considered bright underachievers often have vision problems that make reading difficult. Sometimes they’re described as auditory learners because they can remember things they’ve heard much faster and easier than anything they’ve read. A clear sign that a vision problem may be at the root of your child’s difficulties is poor performance on written or standardized tests. It may surprise you to learn that many children who have vision problems interfering with learning actually have 20/20 eyesight (with or without glasses). A Developmental Vision Evaluation is needed to determine if a vision problem is interfering with reading.

Prevent Hospital Stays with Early Treatment

Many seniors hesitate to see a doctor because they are afraid their condition may put them in the hospital. In reality, seeing a doctor sooner with a medical concern can prevent long hospital stays. A common example is found when a person develops urinary dysfunction. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common but overlooked cause of dehydration, lethargy, and altered mental status. Early detection can minimize the severity of the condition. A prolonged UTI can lead to sepsis wherein a person becomes very ill. Community Paramedics Service provides economical non-emergency assessment and transportation. Don’t wait until you become an emergency.

Home Remedy for Denture Pain

Sometimes dentures can cause pain or discomfort, especially if your dentures are old or ill-fitting. Did you know that cloves are an excellent remedy for oral pain? Eugenol, the main ingredient in cloves has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Thus, it works as a pain reliever and helps disinfect your mouth. Grind a few cloves to get ½ teaspoon of powder. Mix a few drops of olive oil into the ground cloves. Apply it onto your sore gum. Wait 5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat 2 times per day until gum feels better.

Vision Problems or ADD/ADHD?

Eye coordination and eye movement disorders have very similar symptoms to ADD/ADHD. When you have a child who has difficulty concentrating in school or at home, especially with reading or writing assignments, it is vital that you rule out the possibility that a vision problem may be contributing to your child’s difficulties, before you assume that it’s ADD/ADHD. Not all eye doctors test for vision problems that interfere with reading, learning, and paying attention. To find a doctor near you who provides this type of testing, visit the website for the College of Optometrists in Vision Development,

Hemp Oil for Health

Hemp seed carrier oil contains high volumes of linoleic acids, also known as omega-6. These acids offer a variety of health benefits, and hemp seed carrier oil can be used in a few different ways. When applied topically, hemp seed carrier oil can refresh and strengthen the skin, even out the complexion, as well as promote wound healing. It can also calm scalp inflammation and condition hair to improve its texture. Hemp seed carrier oil can act medicinally, facilitating the healing of infections, improving circulation, promoting the body’s detoxification, easing muscle and joint pain, and balancing hormones.

Support for Dystonia

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, which force certain parts of the body into abnormal, sometimes painful movements or postures. Approximately 50,000 people in Canada have dystonia, which is the third most common movement disorder following essential tremor and Parkinson’s. Dystonia can often be misdiagnosed for extended periods of time. The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) Canada is the only charitable organization that is dedicated to supporting dystonia patients, and their families, in Canada. The DMRF Winnipeg Support Group is here to help you:,