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New Couples and Money

New Couples and Money

You’ve just moved in with your current love or maybe you’ve just got engaged. This is a happy, exciting time in your life. The two of you may have discussed where to go on a honeymoon, whether or not to have children, how many or where your dream house will be. But have you had a conversation with each other with regard to your finances? Everything listed above costs money and both of you need to be honest with each other regarding your finances in order to have those things.

As you begin a new, permanent relationship, it is time to set your financial goals as a couple and to be honest about your money values.

Here are things you need to discuss.

  1. How are you going to manage your day to day expenses? Some couples close their individual accounts and open a joint bank account. All their money gets deposited and withdrawn by either person from this bank account. It sounds like the most convenient way to handle expenses but for some it can cause problems. Who is depositing the money and who is withdrawing the money? And for what reason? This strategy works the best for couples who both manage their money well. So before you decide how you are going to handle your banking, it would be wise to write up a monthly budget then decide who will be responsible for paying for what. Some couples maintain separate banking for their entire relationship. Each is responsible for paying some of the joint bills. For example, one pays for the groceries and the other pays the rent. Some couples use a hybrid of both methods in which each maintain a separate bank account and pay their own individual expenses but both deposit a set amount to a joint bank account and joint expenses are paid from it. But how much should each contribute to the joint bank account? Some couples each deposit the same amount of money, for example, $2000 per month. Other couples each contribute a percentage of their income. Once you have come to an agreement, talk about what will happen if one spouse’s income is reduced because of, a job loss, reduced hours or maternity leave?


  1. What is your net worth? This is a list of your current assets and liabilities. An asset is an item that you could sell and receive money for.  For most of us this means real estate, cash in our bank accounts, RRSP’s and vehicles. Liabilities are your debts.  Ideally your assets should be higher than your liabilities. If so, you have a positive net worth. As you get older your net worth should increase.  How do each of your net worth statements compare? Are you both in agreement concerning your net worth goals? This is important because your net worth can determine when you will be able to buy that dream home, afford to have children or when you can retire.


  1. What are your short and long term goals? This is important to establish early in a relationship because you may discover you have radically different financial goals. If one of you is happy to rent forever and basically spend every dime on travelling or entertainment, but the other spouse wants to save up for a house and early retirement – the relationship will be challenged. You need to be honest with yourself and each other as to what is important to you and where you see yourself financially in 5, 10 or 20 years. If your goals differ, determine if you are both willing to compromise. Staying in a committed relationship is hard work and can be stressful. When your goals and dreams are aligned you can look forward to long term happiness and peace in the household.


Brian Denysuik is a local credit counsellor and registered insolvency counsellor at Creditaid who has been in the financial services industry for over 35 years.




Let Stress Melt Away

Perhaps the most well-known effect of floatation is the reduction in stress from pre- to post-float. But don’t just take our word for it. A 2005 meta-analysis (Dierendonck, 2005) confirmed these findings by studying the effects of floatation REST across 27 studies, with a total of 449 participants. The analysis showed that the impact floatation REST had on physiology, well-being, and performance was significant, and in some cases, it was even more effective than other popular stress management techniques. It also found that healthy people who floated regularly experienced greater benefits the longer they kept up the practice. Float on…

Brad, Float.Calm,

Why a Senior Care Practitioner?

A Senior Care Practitioner is a medical professional, medication expert and patient advocate with experience and advanced training of how aging and medications affect older people. Senior Care Practitioners solve age, medical and medication related problems of the older individuals and he/she advocates for patients at their physician and other health care professionals to pursue desired outcomes. They help patients and their families understand the best ways to manage existing health conditions and visits patients in the privacy and comfort of their homes. They refer to other health professionals, government or private assistance programs that may aid in improving functionality and quality of life when relevant. Independence and optimal functionality of older loved ones helps families thrive!

Alevtina (Alia) Tuhari,


Product Spotlight: Kid’s + Probiotic

The Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Organic Kids+ Chewables is a unique gastrointestinal health and immune function support formula especially for kids, created by Dr. Perlmutter. Each chewable is Certified USDA Organic, tastes great, and has no added sugar. It also contains vitamin C from Organic Amla (30mg), vitamin D (400IU), and prebiotic fibre to help maintain a healthy immune system. Organic matters, too. That means it’s grown without toxic pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, and genetic engineering. It features L.gasseri, a probiotic strain shown to improve pulmonary function in children suffering from allergic airway diseases, such as asthma. This chewable has a cranberry extract to prevent dental cavity formation, with no sugar or synthetic or artificial ingredients. This product is gluten, wheat, soy, and dairy free. Order a 30-day supply to get the children ready for back to school!

Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Does Your Dog Have Hot Spots?

They’re commonly known as hot spots, but the medical term for those bare, inflamed, red areas you often see on dogs is acute moist dermatitis — a bacterial skin infection. Anything that irritates your dog’s skin enough to make him scratch or chew can lead to pain and infection. A hot spot’s location can help your vet diagnose its cause. Fleas, for example, may be the source of a hip hot spot, while a hot spot at the ear might point to ear problems. Treating hot spots may involve shaving and cleaning the irritated area, antibiotics, steroids, or topical medications, depending on how bad the hot spots are, and how much pain your pooch is in. Healthy skin is the key to preventing hot spots! If your pooch has a thick, heavy coat, groom him regularly to prevent his coat from matting. Matted fur traps moisture and parasites, creating the ideal environment for hot spots.

Lisa Tustin, Professional Pet Services


Successful Love Stories

“I joined Camelot Introductions and thought I would not have a match and could go on with my happy single life knowing that I had tried and it wasn’t meant for me. Then, we were introduced and one year and one month later, we were married! Lianne gave good advice and continues to support us. I have never been happier in my life, with all the ups and downs, there is nowhere else I’d rather be than with my husband. I love him so much.” ~ M.

“I joined Camelot Introductions and met the love of my life (my soulmate). Richard was my first match. I felt an instant connection with Lianne. She is so intuitive! Richard and I met 2-1/2 years ago; got engaged on April 24 and our wedding day was on August 22. I am so thankful to Lianne. What a wonderful journey it has been!” ~ Liliane.

Camelot Introductions,

6 Ways to Alkalize Your Body

Did you know that your immunity is based on how alkaline your diet is? Having an overly acidic diet eventually leads to a weakened state, and our bodies become susceptible to disease. Here are six ways to alkalize – and healthify – your body!

1. Drink plenty of water. Drink half your body weight in ounces every day to keep your body systems regulated. For an extra boost in alkalinity – add lemon!

2. Trade coffee for tea. Green tea is highly alkaline. Try jasmine, sencha or matcha.

3. Kick that sugar habit. Use stevia, coconut sugar or small amounts of honey in place of sugar.

4. Eat more greens. Vegetables are highly alkaline and oxygen rich. Consume fresh green vegetables often as possible.

5. Move. Exercise to create more oxygen and qi flow in the body and to avoid stagnation.

6. Reduce stress. Meditate as often as possible, practice deep breathing, do yoga, and get plenty of sleep.

Care At Home Pharmacy,

Clean Eating: Cantaloupe & Cucumber Salad

Here’s a refreshing side salad for a change of pace. It’s delicious served with a spicy grilled chicken, tofu, or fish. Or serve this over a bed of leafy greens with extra dressing on the side. Gently fold together 1/2 small cantaloupe and 1 medium cucumber (cut into 1/2 inch chunks), 1/2 cup crumbled feta, and 6 big basil leaves (sliced thinly). Whisk and add to salad: 1 tbsp olive oil, 2-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar, and freshly ground salt and pepper to taste. Top with 2 tbsp sunflower seeds. (This is the perfect place to showcase your gourmet balsamic vinegars and good quality olive oil. Skip the salt and sprinkle with a little Fleur de Sel for some drama!)

Lisa Kehler,

Book Club: The Dirt Cure

Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil. In the tradition of Michael Pollan, Mark Hyman, and Andrew Weil, pioneering integrative pediatric neurologist Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD, reveals the shocking contents of children’s food, how it’s seriously harming their bodies and brains, and what we can do about it.

Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD,

Food Cravings and Health

Do you ever find yourself wanting a certain food and you need have it right this second? If yes, then your body might be sending you a message that your hormones might be out of balance. If you are under stress and have cravings, this can be related to adrenal function, which, if not addressed, can lead to exhaustion. You may crave sweets and salty foods, and drink more caffeine during the day. Finding successful ways to handle stress and adding the proper adrenal support is important. Cravings can also be associated with the menstrual cycle in women and may be in addition to depression, irritability, and/ or mood swings. During menstrual cycles, proper nutrition and lifestyle considerations are important to aid in balancing hormones. Cravings can also occur when you’re trying to lose weight. This may occur if you are restricting your diet and not getting the proper nutritional balance.

Dr. Ana M. Cvitko, N.D.

Ayurveda Therapy

Ayurveda is an ancient medical science that is more than 5,000 years old. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge. According to Ayurveda, each person is born with a basic body constitution called Prakruti. If there is a changing nature or situation in the body, imbalance (or Vikruti) occurs. The aims of Ayurveda are Ayus (long life) and Arogya (diseaselessness), with ultimate spiritual goals. Health is achieved by balancing what are known as bodily humors or Tridoshas at all levels, according to an individual’s constitution, lifestyle, and nature. At Ayu Revive, the focus is providing the highest level of service in an environment that promotes wellness, relaxation, and beauty. Organic Ayurvedic oils, herbs, and SVA transdermal preparations are used for the treatments. Oils and herbs are chosen based on the imbalances found during pulse assessment.

Purnima Chaudhari, Ayu Revive