Community News
Feel Better with Bowenwork

A man in his mid-thirties came in for Bowenwork, but the way he walked made it look like he could be in his mid-eighties. He was wincing from the excruciating pain he was feeling in his lower back, and taking tiny steps to get into my office. When I asked how much pain he was in from 1-10, he said about a 12. He had a physical job, and it was taking a visible toll on his body. Initially, he was skeptical that anything could help, but he didn’t want to go for surgery, and he wanted something that wouldn’t crack or physically force movement to his body. After three gentle treatments, he couldn’t believe it. His back pain was gone, his knee pain had vanished, and his seasonal allergies were not acting up either. “I don’t know what you did,” he said…”but it worked!”

Bernadette Kozak/Certified Bowenwork Practitioner,

Mary’s Story

“I don’t know who I am anymore, where I fit in, I just feel lost. I used to love my job, now I just feel detached. I can’t shut out thinking about my job after hours. Boundaries have become blurred, I’m having trouble sleeping, and I don’t feel safe anymore. Things I thought I dealt with in my own childhood are coming back. I am having a hard time watching the news or movies…I am an emotional wreck.” By becoming aware of the changes in her feelings and recognizing the signs of stress, and with help, Mary was able to engage in emotional self-care (counselling and balancing life), identify cognitive changes by paying attention to her thinking and knowing she is not alone, engage in healthy behaviours (boundaries and taking time off), and find ways to stay spiritually connected.

Patty Parsons, RSW, CCC,

Calm the Mind & the Body Will Follow

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Have you ever let your own apprehension stop you from trying something new? Some of the most amazing things wait for us on the other side of our comfort zone. As we get older, our comfort zones tend to get in the way and start to stunt our growth. With age comes wisdom and our belief is that these walls we build are movable. Expanding them to include new experiences adds long lasting value to our lives. Floating is one such experience for many people. Any trepidation of stepping into a floatation tank soon passes when you find yourself in a very comfortable warm environment, weightless with nothing but peace and quiet surrounding you. The mental and physical relief this environment provides allows for a full system reset and those once-tall-walls begin to crumble under their own weight. Calm the mind, and the body will follow.

Brad Dauk,

Detoxing Your Body

Pollutants from the environment – in the air, water and foods that we eat – as well as wastes produced from normal bodily processes, can accumulate within the body and lead to a state of congestion. To help maintain a healthy balance of assimilation and elimination, the Wild Rose D-Tox Program is uniquely designed to enhance all aspects of the metabolism. It is a proven 12-day cleansing program that follows a healthy and satisfying meal plan. Emphasis is placed on supporting the function of the liver, the small intestine and the bowel (large intestine) to promote proper digestion and elimination of toxins and wastes. The Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox program is simple to use. It has excellent benefits for both young and old, and it is enjoyed by both the novice and the experienced cleanser as a hearty diet can still be maintained.

Nathan Zassman, Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Love Connection

In today’s fast-paced society finding love can be a difficult task. Technology often replaces human to human contact, and actual socialization has decreased. Many people have resorted to the Internet in attempts to find love. Virtual dating can be a very daunting task with terribly mixed results. There are wonderful, quality, single people, of all ages in Manitoba who are at a loss as to where find love. A Matchmaker is often the answer. Matchmaking is an age-old profession that historically has brought love into peoples’ lives for centuries. An experienced Matchmaker hand picks and presents individuals who have been screened and are suited to their clients often resulting in long lasting love. Placing your heart in the hands of a good Matchmaker should lead to an amazing love connection with someone who is right for you.

Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions,

Vipassana Meditation

Research has shown that meditation can expand the brain, and help people avert stress and disease. One way to achieve this is through Vipassana meditation, a technique that emphasizes mindfulness, with the goal of seeing things as they “really are.” An ancient meditative technique from India, Vipassana was taken up by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) just over 2,500 years ago. Vipassana meditation is the practice of freedom. It is an honest and direct practice: the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind-body process through calm, open, and precise awareness. Learning to observe our experience from a place of spacious stillness enables us to relate to life with a balance of wisdom and compassion. This experience fosters clarity and penetrating insight into the nature of who we are, as well as increased peace in our daily lives.

Brett Scott, Disability Tax Credit,

Something to Sleep On

Daydreaming about better health? Getting 7-9 hours of uninterrupted, deep sleep can help make those dreams come true. Some researchers claim that the health benefits of sleeping are equivalent to those of eating. When daylight fades, our bodies release melatonin, a natural sleep aid/hormone with powerful antioxidant properties that works to: 1) Reduce inflammation; 2) Foster mental and emotional resilience; 3) Boost immune system function; 4) Improve performance and memory; 5) Protect your heart; 6) Prevent cancer. Having trouble sleeping? Here are a few tips to help you nod off: 1) Darken your room. Melatonin release only happens in low light/dark conditions. Blue light from mobile devices, TV’s, etc. inhibits this process. 2) Avoid eating/drinking 2-3 hours before bedtime. 3) Keep a consistent sleep/wake schedule. 4) Engage in moderate to rigorous exercise. If you rarely feel well rested talk to your healthcare provider about natural and medicinal support.

Sean Miller, CMHA MB & WPG,

A Daughter’s Recommendation

Care At Home Pharmacy can help seniors remain in the comfort of their home by having quality care come to them. My parents have greatly benefitted from “visiting pharmacist” Yolanda Yeung’s involvement. She initially developed a medical profile for each of them and made recommendations to their doctor regarding medication changes. She visits my parents’ home weekly to monitor their progress and well-being, and provides their prescriptions and any other pharmaceutical needs, as recommended by their doctor. I am my parents’ primary caregiver but do not live in the city, so Yolanda and I communicate by email. She also regularly communicates with the doctor and nursing service involved with my parents’ care. It is a great comfort to me to know the Care At Home Pharmacy team provides a personalized and reputable service to seniors like my parents and is so willing to partner with other services in this type of care at home model. – Happy Daughter.

Care At Home Pharmacy,

Clean Eating: Lemon Tahini Dressing

This delicious dressing can be used for salad greens or as a sauce over rice, steamed vegetables, and baked potatoes.

2/3 cup plain almond or rice milk

5 tbsp lemon juice

1 clove garlic

½ tsp salt

½ cup tahini

1/8 tsp toasted sesame oil

Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree for 1 minute at high speed. Herbal D-TOX Cookbook for Cleansing by Dr. Terry Willard, CI.H.,Ph.D.

Book Club: Herbal D-Tox Cook Book for Cleansing by Dr. Terry Willard, PH.D.

Out with the old and in with the new. Detoxification is one of the central concepts of natural healing because it is impossible to build healthy new tissue without eliminating old cells and their by-products. This D-Tox program is designed for both meat eaters and vegetarians. The recipes in this book are designed to stimulate your own creativity and to show you that a delicious Meal Plan can accompany a detoxification diet.

Nathan Zassman, Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Dimensions of Anxiety

Anxiety can have two faces; One helps us be cautious in an unsafe situation and the other that can be very crippling. Four personality traits can complicate and increase anxiety: Perfectionism, excessive need for approval, the tendency to ignore physical and psychological signs of stress and the excess need for control. These traits have likely developed in childhood through learned behaviour or developed out of a response to frequent criticisms, according to E.J. Bourne, Ph. D. in the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. Anxiety can affect us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. To enable us to grow and recover we have to reduce the physical reactions, eliminate avoidance behaviour and change the negative selftalk. This can be done by learning breathing techniques and expressing your feelings, re-connect on a spiritual level with meditation and by using assertive communication styles and healthy boundaries. Regular exercise and dietary changes can be extremely effective in reducing anxiety.

Patty Parsons, Counselling Therapist,