Community News
Challenges and Tips:

Moose Jaw Family Services Inc.,
200 Main Street S. Moose Jaw SK, S6H 5S7
Phone: 306-694-8133
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This Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® edition is sponsored by WellBRAND Marketing in support of the Moose Jaw Family Services Inc.

New Year’s Resolutions

If you are someone considering a new goal or change this January, here are some tips for creating healthier resolutions:
Positive Impacts:
1. Motivation: Resolutions can serve as powerful motivators, inspiring us to make positive changes in our lives.
2. Sense of Purpose: Setting goals can give us a sense of direction and purpose; contributing to overall well-being.
3. Personal Growth: Resolutions often involve personal development and growth, which can boost self-esteem and confidence.
4. Routine and Structure: Working towards resolutions can bring structure and routine into daily life, providing a sense of stability.

Challenges and Tips:

• Unrealistic Expectations: Setting overly ambitious goals can lead to frustration and disappointment. It’s important to set realistic and achievable objectives.
Tip: Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate small victories along the way. It’s the small steps that take you where you want to go.
• All-or-Nothing Thinking: Some of us may adopt an “all-or-nothing” mentality, viewing any deviation from our resolution as a failure.
Tip: Embrace flexibility. Understand that setbacks are a normal part of any journey, and it’s okay to adjust your goals as needed. If last week you were reading zero nights a week before bed and this week you read once, that’s still one more time than last week! It’s still a step in the direction you want to go.
• Pressure and Stress: The pressure to meet New Year’s resolutions can cause stress, especially if progress is slow or unexpected obstacles arise.
Tip: Focus on the process rather than the outcome. Celebrate the effort you put into your goals, and be kind to yourself if things don’t go as planned.
• Comparison with Others: Comparing your progress to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and negatively impact how we feel about ourselves.
Tip: Remember that everyone is on their own journey. Focus on your personal growth, you are doing this for you! Don’t forget to love yourself along the way.
• Lack of Support: Pursuing resolutions without a support system can be challenging.
Tip: Share your goals with friends or family who can provide encouragement and accountability. Consider joining online communities or seeking professional support.
Ultimately, the key is to approach New Year’s resolutions with a balanced and compassionate mindset. Reflect on what truly matters to you, set realistic goals, and prioritize your mental well-being throughout the journey. If difficulties persist, seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals is essential.

New Year’s Resolutions

can have both positive and potentially challenging effects on mental health. While setting goals and resolutions can provide motivation and a sense of purpose, unrealistic expectations or a lack of progress can contribute to stress and negative feelings. As we enter 2024, remember new beginnings can happen anytime! Setting a new goal or wanting to make a change is valid any time of the year. Creating a resolution should not feel pressured or forced. You are the expert on your own growth. For some of us, the January and February months can be some of the most difficult. So be kind to yourself and trust in what feels right for you.

Healthy Eating and ADHD

There are many hurdles to overcome for those with ADHD to eat well. Planning, shopping for and preparing a healthy menu requires a lot of executive function skills and there are many steps involved with are often overwhelming. There needs to be planning, task initiation, impulse control, motivation, and sustained attention to follow through on each of the steps. That’s a lot of skills, all of which can be built and strengthened through ADHD coaching. If you have ADHD and are having a hard time meeting your health goals let’s talk! I can help!

Adopt Joy: The Therapeutic Power of Purrs

The sound of a kitten purring truly warms your heart. The soft gentle “rumble” is a soothing and enjoyable experience that will literally have a therapeutic effect on your body. The vibrations of a kitten purring promote relaxation, reduces stress, and even assists in the healing of an injury. Snuggling up with a warm cuddly kitten is a delightful way to take a moment out of a busy day plus enjoy the health benefits of stopping and taking a breath. Interested in adopting? Go to for more information.

Whispers of Wisdom Retreat

Whispers of Wisdom are subtle, yet powerful signs and messages that our intuition communicates with us through our external environment and internal body sensations. Learning how to interpret these signs and messages can serve as your personal compass on the path of self-awareness and growth. Signs and messages could come in the form of lyrics in songs, messages on billboards, or an animal crossing your path. We are offering a Whispers of Wisdom Retreat starting in February 2024 to assist you with interpreting these signs and messages. Visit us Online for More information!

Manage Your Healthcare

Managing your healthcare has never been easier. eCare@Pharmasave is a suite of digital tools that provides you with online access to manage your health in ways that are simple to set up and easy to maintain. With your account you can view your prescription history, order refills at your convenience and see details such as a picture of your medication and important label information. Visit or download Pharmasave’s free eCare app to set up your personal account. Then, visit the pharmacy to complete the registration process. Manage your medications as part of your healthy routine with eCare@Pharmasave. To find out more, speak to your Pharmasave Pharmacist today.

Time to Release to Renew

Release yourself from self-sabotaging ideas that tell you that the progress you’ve made isn’t good enough. Release yourself from unhealthy spaces that remind you of who you’re no longer trying to be. Release yourself from everything and anything that continues to weigh you down. Did you know that after having your Access Bars run you will experience improved sleep, less stress, reduce fatigue, regained clarity, and while enjoying life with more energy.

Words to Live By

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard