Youth Engagement & Empowerment program is available
for youth and operates five days a week (Tuesday to
Saturday) and is free to register. Transportation and food are
provided. Participation is required, and our goal is to provide
a safe space where youth can develop self-esteem, leadership
skills, and healthy relationships. We offer evening, summer,
and Saturday day programs, including cultural activities and
on-the-land camps. We aim to reduce illegal behaviors and
drug use among indigenous youth and address their mental
health concerns. Our team includes Elders, youth workers, and
various facilitators. We care about urban Indigenous youth and
are here to help and support them and their families.
Harm Reduction Advocation
Some call Hard Knox Talks an addiction recovery podcast. Others call us harm reduction advocates.
Hard Knox Talks is a live streaming video podcast centered around all things substance use. From inspiring stories of recovery to useful information about drug policy, and current events, find new Hard Knox Talks episodes every week on YouTube or on your favorite audio podcast platform.
Holistic Wellness Program
Youth Engagement & Empowerment program is available
for youth and operates five days a week (Tuesday to
Saturday) and is free to register. Transportation and food are
provided. Participation is required, and our goal is to provide
a safe space where youth can develop self-esteem, leadership
skills, and healthy relationships. We offer evening, summer,
and Saturday day programs, including cultural activities and
on-the-land camps. We aim to reduce illegal behaviors and
drug use among indigenous youth and address their mental
health concerns. Our team includes Elders, youth workers, and
various facilitators. We care about urban Indigenous youth and
are here to help and support them and their families.
Words to Live By
“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” – Anne Wilson Schaef
Words to Live By
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” Yogi Berra
Words to Live By
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” Jim Rohn
World Hospice/Palliative Care Day
Join us as we celebrate World Hospice and Palliative Care Day on October 12th it keeps accountability for prioritizing Palliative Care in the Health Industry. Palliative Care and Long-term care homes are two distinct forms of healthcare services, though they often overlap. Many long-term care homes have palliative care teams to ensure residents receive appropriate care as their needs change. It is crucial for enhancing the quality of life, and provides support to both patients, their families and also supports caregivers. It plays a key role in patients and families making informed decisions, ensuring the patient’s wishes, comfort and dignity during the transition.
Permanent Hair-Loss Solution
Natural-looking hair transplant results are possible today thanks to advancements in the procedure, with improvements including placing a few healthy hairs at a time and creating a more natural-looking hairline. Men and women are both good candidates for hair transplants, provided they have enough healthy hair on their scalp that can be transplanted and have the ability to grow hair on the thinning area of the scalp. Most transplants take between four and eight hours and only require anesthesia that numbs the scalp. Results can typically be seen between six and nine months after surgery, or sometimes 12 months.
Holistic Wellness Program
Youth Engagement & Empowerment program is available
for youth and operates five days a week (Tuesday to
Saturday) and is free to register. Transportation and food are
provided. Participation is required, and our goal is to provide
a safe space where youth can develop self-esteem, leadership
skills, and healthy relationships. We offer evening, summer,
and Saturday day programs, including cultural activities and
on-the-land camps. We aim to reduce illegal behaviors and
drug use among indigenous youth and address their mental
health concerns. Our team includes Elders, youth workers, and
various facilitators. We care about urban Indigenous youth and
are here to help and support them and their families.
Treatment Centres during the Holidays
Treatment Centres are more crucial than ever during the holiday seasons like Thanksgiving, they can help to provide continuous support as it can be a very challenging time for many people especially for those struggling with mental health issues and/or addiction may find it even more difficult to stay on the right path. Treatment centres never close, as some of our youth need us more than ever during the holidays. Treatment centres help foster a safe, supportive environment for youth facing various challenges.
Suicide Prevention – Where to Begin?
Navigating the struggle of suicide prevention involves seeking
support from friends, family, and professionals. Finding
helpful tools such as the Embracing Life App (Scan the QR
code in our Ad) or finding other immediate assistance sources
are key to prevention, along with therapy which provides
coping strategies, and staying connected to help combat
isolation. Educate yourself about warning signs, whether it be
for yourself, a loved one, a child in need, create a safety plan,
encourage professional help. Remember, you are NOT alone—
reach out. Prioritize safety, seek help, and work towards a
healthier, more hopeful tomorrow. Embrace life!
Prince Albert Grand Council,