Community News
Plant-Based Eating 

There is no doubt the report from the World Health Organization classifying numerous meat products as carcinogenic is stirring up a response in many of us. Although there has been lots of evidence to suggest a diet including meat can be detrimental to not only our health but also to that of the planet, many people find it difficult to adopt a more plant-based diet. Food is not just what we put in our bodies, it is fuel for daily activities, as well as tastes, flavours, and smells associated with memories. Making dietary changes can be challenging. You will have habits you need to break, and new cooking skills and information you need to learn. Having someone to be accountable to and who will provide knowledge and direction along the way is helpful in making successful dietary changes -this is where a health coach can be an invaluable resource.

Amanda Lily, Holistic Health Coach

Clean Eating: Spicy Cabbage Soup 


1 Onion sliced
3 Garlic cloves minced
2 diced Jalapeno
2 tsp Coriander
5 C Vegetable broth
1 15oz can diced Tomatoes
3 C thinly sliced Cabbage
2 diced Bell Peppers
8 Stalks of chopped Celery
2 Tbsp. Basil
2 Tbsp. Oregano
Salt and Pepper to taste
1. Combine onion, garlic, salt and pepper, japaleno, peppers, celery and herbs and sauté until tender.
2. Add the tomatoes, cabbage and broth and bring to a simmer.
3. Cook for 45 minutes on low heat until cabbage is tender.
4. Serve and enjoy!

Myles Fanjoy

Business Spotlight 

Life Assure Medical Alert is Canada’s foremost provider of medical alert devices for seniors. Our goal is simple, to keep seniors safe and allows them to live comfortably in their homes while remaining independent. Life Assure provide’s state of the art technology with each one of our extremely affordable and reliable units. With Life Assure Medical Alert Units, you can have peace of mind knowing that at any time, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, help is available at the push of a button. Whether you need to contact a family member, friend, or the local paramedics, our team of highly trained and dedicated staff is available whenever you need. Our simple and low monthly prices provide premium services with no hidden charges or extra costs. Additionally, our lifetime guarantee makes it easy for you to maintain the lifestyle you enjoy, while also staying safe. Remain independent and protect your life with Life Assure Medical Alert.

Life Assure

Book Club: Wheat Belly: 10-Day Grain Detox

Through the New York Times bestseller Wheat Belly, millions of people learned how to reverse years of chronic health problems by removing wheat from their daily diets. Now, Dr. William Davis has created an easy and accessible 10-day detox program. Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox supplies you with carefully designed meal plans and delicious recipes to fully eliminate wheat and related grains in the shortest time possible. Perfect for those who may have fallen off the gluten-free wagon or for newcomers who need a jump-start to weight loss, this new addition to the Wheat Belly phenomenon guides you through the complete detox experience.

William Davis

Medication Reviews

When managing multiple or complex medications, it is key to have an awareness of all of the potential side effects and possible drug interactions.  This includes all over the counter medications.  A pharmacist will review all of these products and help to ensure that you are taking the right products at the right times.  Pharmacists conducting home visits can help to monitor the effects on a regular basis.  If there are any concerns, the pharmacist will contact the physician to discuss possible adjustments in doses.  The goal in all medication reviews is to prevent any issues before they happen. Medication reviews can often prevent falls, visit to hospitals or emergency rooms and help people stay in their own homes as long as possible.  This provides peace of mind to both patients and caregivers, allowing them to more fully enjoy their lives. Call our pharmacist for a medication review in the comfort of your home.

Care At Home Pharmacy


If you have gotten “lucky” by ordering your eyeglasses online meaning you can actually wear them on your face and see through the lenses, good for you!  Unfortunately, luck has a LOT to do with it.


We take a huge risk when we can’t even try on our glasses first, and can’t hold them in our hands to feel every little creak.  Plus how do you actually measure your eyes? Taking the individual distances between them to a fraction of a millimetre can obviously be difficult,  and guessing at your optical centre height without the frame present is next to impossible!  Licensed opticians still make mistakes at taking pupil heights  when their patient is present, so I’m not exactly sure how late person is supposed to guess over a computer screen?


In addition to these challenges, virtually every lab returns a small percentage of eyeglasses that somehow slipped through the final check, and are made wrong.  This is why a reputable surfacing/edging Iab will check many times throughout the edging process by a different set of eyes, and your trusted optician will do a final check when the glasses arrive at their office.   But who checks out your Internet glasses? Who even makes them?


Fortunately today there are better choices!  Many licensed opticians have frames and lenses that are extremely well-priced and will even check or fix your internet glasses!  Call one today!
Christine Neustaeter, Eye GO Mobile Optical,

How Well Are You Managing Your Money?

LCTaylor Trustees in Bankruptcy

Complete this quick quiz about your money management activities and get a financial health score. Get a pen and paper, and then choose the answer that best describes your financial situation for the following questions.

Do you set aside money to handle yearly expenses? (car or house insurance, property taxes, etc.)

  1. Yes, I always make sure I have the money on hand (5 point value)
  2. Yes, but I sometimes still get surprised or don’t have enough to cover the expenses (3 point value)
  3. No (1 point value)

Do you set aside money to handle small emergencies? (car, appliance repairs, etc.)

  1. Yes, I always make sure I have the money on hand (5 point value)
  2. Yes, but I sometimes still get surprised or don’t have enough to cover the expenses (3 point value)
  3. No (1 point value)

Do you have a savings plan for personal goals? (buying a car or house, taking a vacation, retirement, etc.)

  1. Yes, and I am ahead of schedule (5 point value)
  2. Yes, and I am on track (4 point value)
  3. Yes, but I am behind (3 point value)
  4. No (1 point value)

Do you make a budget and review it?     

  1. Daily (5 point value)
  2. Weekly (4 point value)
  3. Monthly (3 point value)
  4. Quarterly (2 point value)
  5. Yearly (1 point value)
  6. Never (0 point value)

Do you keep track of all expenses and income for yourself and your family?

  1. Daily (5 point value)
  2. Weekly (4 point value)
  3. Monthly (3 point value)
  4. Quarterly (2 point value)
  5. Yearly (1 point value)
  6. Never (0 point value)

Do you buy items you don’t need or can’t afford and regret it afterwards?

  1. Never (5 point value)
  2. Rarely (4 point value)
  3. Sometimes (3 point value)
  4. Often (1 point value)

Do you carry a balance on your credit card?

  1. Never (5 point value)
  2. Rarely (4 point value)
  3. Sometimes (3 point value)
  4. Usually (2 point value)
  5. Always (1 point value)

Do you use credit cards because they are convenient, or because you cannot pay cash or debit?

  1. I can always pay cash or debit, but I prefer credit cards for convenience (5 point value)
  2. Sometimes I cannot pay cash or debit (3 point value)
  3. Usually I cannot pay cash or debit (2 point value)
  4. I can rarely pay cash or debit (1 point value)

Do you have to borrow money to make it from one pay cheque to the next?

  1. Never (5 point value)
  2. Once in the last 5 years (4 point value)
  3. Once in the past year (3 point value)
  4. A few times in the past year (2 point value)
  5. Every month (1 point value)

Has a collection agency ever contacted you to repay a debt?

  1. Never (5 point value)
  2. Once in the past 5 years (4 point value)
  3. Once in the past year (3 point value)
  4. In the past month (2 point value)
  5. In the past week (1 point value)


Score categories:

Financial whiz (40 to 50 points): You’re doing great! Your finances are under control and you are saving for the future.

Financial manager (26 to 39 points): You’re doing well. You probably have a budget and stick to it most of the time. Taking a closer look at your expenses or attending a money management class might help you get to the next level.

Financial survivor (11 to 25 points): You’re hanging in there, but you could be doing better. Getting some help with budgeting and planning will help you avoid financial surprises and enjoy your earnings with less risk.

Financial disorder (0 to 10 points): You need help. The debt is piling up and is probably greater than your income. You need to take a serious look at your finances and get professional advice to try to avoid bankruptcy.


LCTaylor Trustees in Bankruptcy,


November 20 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm
November 21 – 10:00 – 5:00 pm

Aromatic Earth Aromatherapy Christmas Open House
Free Product Draws, Free Refreshments!
417 Haney Street
Sue Mazur, 204-232-1194


November 19
6:00 – 8:00 pm

Dog Body Language Seminar:
Learn to read your dog better, thus understand them better.

4180 Waverley Street. Grassroots Canine.


November 14 & 28

Christmas Shopping?
Rides to St. Vital Shopping Center or Polo Park Mall.
$10 round trip!
Call to reserve your seat.
Triple L at Your Service, 204-261-0155


November 15
10:00 – 3:00 pm

Optima Modern Apothecary Grand Opening & Christmas Sale
Custom Beauty Bar & Holistic Day Spa.
487 Provencher Blvd.


November 20
7:30 – 9:00 pm

Juice Plus+, Prevention Plus+, The Power of Whole Foods.
Inspiring Healthy Living Seminar – FREE @ Canad Inns St. James.
Alisa Herriman, RNCP ROHP CHCP.


November 26 – 6:30 – 9:30 pm
November 27 – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

A Journey through the Chakra system & how it connects to your emotional body:
A hands on workshop with D’Arcy Bruning-Haid.
Wellnessnews discount: $150 (regularly $175)

Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Do you suffer from allergies, chronic illness or a weak immune system? Evergreen Holistic Health Centre can help eliminate allergies, detoxify metals and toxins, strengthen your immune system, revitalize organs plus test products for toxins. All by utilizing a technology that has been used in Europe for over 20 years. Bioresonance Therapy. Computer hookups collect data while the electrodes are testing the body. Based on the collected data, the electrodes can be focused on a particular portion of the body in order to address a blockage of energy flow. The computer has an electronic filter that can harmonize the frequencies in the body so every organ can work properly. This machine strengthens the natural vibrations to return their electromagnetic fields to optimal levels.

Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Ask the Expert

Do you consider that you think for yourself, or do you find yourself always asking others to help you solve your problems? Every time that you are asking for the answers outside of yourself, you are giving away your power and trusting that your friend’s or loved one’s perspective on your life is more important than your own. It takes a conscious effort to change this pattern from going outside of yourself to going within, and can take a long time until you really trust that your inner answers are more powerful than hearing five other perspectives. Do you trust yourself?  What is your knee-jerk reaction when you have a problem? Do you sit with the problem, breathe, and ask your inner being for answers? Try this next time, and give your inner being the time to answer. You may just find that your inner answers are quite profound.

Maureen Becker

Stand Up and Work

An increasing body of research has shown that sitting down all day is no good for our health, Have you considered a standing workstation or even a treadmill desk? Both of these options can be used to vary your working postures and give excellent results. You’ll find many businesses in Downtown Winnipeg businesses use these workstations as a way to help employees health. Studies out of Australia confirm the notion that our cognitive performance is not decreased by variable task postures in an office environment. Some companies have chosen to dictate the task performed at such a workstation to implement this ergonomic strategy. To avoid the side effects of sitting-for-a-living, stand every 15 minutes, give yourself more reasons to move and work in different postures… know your ergonomics and your health will benefit from that knowledge!