Community News
Alzheimer Support Programs

Even at the best of times, those living with dementia can be isolated, and right now, the challenges families face are heightened. You are not alone. The Alzheimer Society is here to help. We have locations across the province to provide you with information, education and support. We’ve pivoted to virtual programming so you can join our education sessions, Minds in Motion® program and support groups from the comfort of your own home. Contact us today to reach a reassuring ear by phone or get a quick response by email. Visit our website to find an office near you.

Smoking, Vaping and COVID-19

If you smoke or vape, are you at a higher risk of getting COVID-19? This is a common question, and since there is strong evidence that smoking can increase your risk of viral and bacterial infections (like colds and flus), it’s possible that it could increase your risk of getting COVID-19 as well. Smoking can weaken your body’s immune cells over time, making it harder to fight infections, and also negatively impacts your lung function. Quitting smoking with the aid of treatments like laser therapy is a good way to help limit your risk of experiencing complications from COVID-19.

Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer

Heat exhaustion can lead to brain damage, organ failure, and death. Here are a few tips and reminders to keep your pets safe. Don’t let them play hard on hot days and make sure they have access to fresh water. Before walking your pets, test the temperature of the pavement. If you can’t hold the back of your hand on the pavement for 10 seconds, it is too hot for your pets’ pads. Never leave your pet in a vehicle, even for “just a minute” while you run errands. Studies have shown that, even with the windows partially open, interior temperatures can rise to over 38 C in about 7 minutes at 31 C.

Weight Loss & Dentures

It may come as a surprise to you, but when you lose weight, your clothes are not the only thing that you’ll notice become loose! Your weight loss can affect the fit and suction of your dentures, causing them to be uncomfortable. Weight loss causes changes to your entire body, including your mouth and gums. However, there is a solution: your Denturist can perform a simple procedure called a reline. A reline will “tighten up” your dentures so they fit well, create good suction, and feel comfortable again.

Blocking Blue Light

Blue light emitted from the sun is essential to your body. However, exposing your eyes to the artificial blue light from computers, smartphones and other digital devices may keep you awake at night and causing eyes strain. Blocking UV and HEV (high-energy visible) light is critical for your eyes against cataract and age-related macular degeneration. Ask your trusted eye care professional about blue light blocking lenses available to you. Our tip: If you are working on your laptop, tablet or smartphone long hours, we recommend giving your eyes frequent breaks by looking into the distance often.

Young Living – For Men

After a workout, massage the Cool Azul™ Pain Relief Cream into your skin for relief of aches and pains. Your muscles will thank you for ditching the synthetic ingredients and you can continue crushing the weights, tearing up the fairway or hiking to your highest heights. When you’re done, treat your face to Shutran™ Shave Cream and stand out from the pack. It is full of hydrating ingredients and pure essential oils that’ll give you a close shave with a great fragrance. Lastly, for a great super-charge, grab some NingXia Zyng™ for a delicious splash of hydration.

Book Club: Digital Executor®

Unraveling the New Path for Estate Planning – Sharon Hartung. The world has gone digital and so have our estates. Digital assets may simply be electronic records, but they are the digital gateway to our entire lives. They are our memories, our money, and our records, making technology the new player at your estate planning table. Everyone needs a Will and in today’s age of digitization, estate plans must include our digital lives. If today’s executor is a digital executor, is your executor ready?

Words to Live By

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent van Gogh

Healthcare Aids for Daily Living

Did you know there is a wide range of healthcare aids available that can assist with daily comfort and mobility? Whether you need assistance in the bathroom or kitchen, or need help with dressing or participating in leisure activities, there’s likely something that can make your life much easier! Some great examples include the Arco Rail, which provides stability for getting in and out of bed; the Superpole, which is a floor-to-ceiling mounted support system for standing or transferring; and the Urban Pole Adventure Series, a supportive walking pole that can be folded for easy transport when traveling.

Hearing Loss and Brain Health

Hearing involves not only your ears but also the brain, so it’s no wonder that hearing loss can go hand in hand with thinking and memory problems. Studies are increasingly linking hearing loss to issues such as faster brain shrinkage, earlier onset of significant cognitive impairment, and up to a quintupled risk of dementia. Addressing conditions such as hearing loss, however, could help prevent a third of dementia cases worldwide, per a UK research collaborative. With hearing health and overall wellness so connected, it’s important to seek regular hearing checks and address listening difficulties early.

Spring Cleaning for a Healthy Home

Are you ready to tackle your spring cleaning with some plant-based products, ditch the conventional toxins and save money all at the same time? Your home is a sanctuary—a place where life unfolds with family, friends, and memories. Having the best for you and your family is about being surrounded by all things healthy and natural. Enjoy natural home solutions with safe, natural ingredients you know you can trust! Thieves products are safe for your pets or little ones. This incredible starter bundle is exclusively available to Young Living members; become a member today to get yours!