Community News
Government Grant for Hip/Knee Replacements

With tax season upon us, it’s important to consider whether you are eligible for the disability credit. Those with a prolonged disability or a medical condition that cause restrictions in daily activities can qualify for a $2,500 yearly credit, as well as a $25,000 Lump Sum Refund. Whatever the medical condition that cause you difficulties with walking, dressing, preparing food, hearing, sight, speech, etc, we have assisted thousands of Canadians get this credit and can help you get the money you deserve. For the most reliable service in Canada and the lowest fee, call Brett Scott 1-844-453-5372.

February is Heart & Stroke Awareness Month

Did you know that heart disease Is the second leading causes of death in Canada? The good news is that 80 per cent of cardiovascular diseases are preventable through healthy lifestyle and diet. By adopting a healthier lifestyle, you can delay the onset of heart disease or stroke by as much as 14 years! You can further reduce your risk by considering these heart-healthy steps: • Be smoke-free • Be physically active • Control your blood pressure • Keep your blood cholesterol levels in check • Eat a healthy diet • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight • Limit alcohol use and look for healthy ways to reduce your stress.

How Much Should I Eat?

In our modern-day environment where food is readily available it can be challenging to maintain a healthy weight. One tool that can help is the hunger-fullness scale. With this technique think of your hunger and fullness as a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is starving, the hungriest you can imagine being; and 10 is uncomfortably, painfully stuffed. Ideally you want to eat when your hunger is between a 3 and 4 and stop when your fullness is between a 7 and 8. The beauty of this tool is that no foods are off limits. Eat what you enjoy to comfortably satisfied.

Are You Activating Your Best?

You have everything inside of you to make your life work. But parts of you are buried beneath years of distress, distraction, and dysfunction. Your soul has the scar tissue to prove it!
A perfect way to get started is with a life inventory. You need clarity. Know what to keep, and what to release. When you align your clarity – with your purpose – you activate your best.
I co-created the Life Mapping Process. It precisely maps your next actions to fulfilling purpose. Start with the life inventory assessment – the world is waiting for you.

Business Profile: Norwex

Norwex has been helping to transform homes into safer havens for 26 years, creating safe, effective and sustainable cleaning and personal care products that radically reduce chemicals! Norwex products can help you reduce over 80 chemicals within your home with their bestselling Safe Haven 5 set. Some of Norwex products feature: 1) revolutionary microfibre that removes up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces using just water; 2) exclusive Baclock that self-purifies with a micro-silver antibacterial agent embedded in cloths, to reduce mould, fungi and bacterial odour; 3) safe, effective alternatives to eliminate single-use disposables such as paper towels, floor pads, wipes and plastic wrap and containers.

We Shall Overcome

Life brings us many highs and lows. It is important to know that bad things can happen to you, but that you can still succeed. Part of any successful plan is to set goals, work hard and deal with challenges in a healthy way. As much as we all want to do that, there may be unresolved grief, hiding down in our conscience or even unconscientious mind, holding us back. Our job is to face this grief, feel the emotion and process it. There are ways to heal from these bad situations, no matter how bad they are. It has been written that we are beautifully and wonderfully made, and when given the right tools to be resilient, we can indeed overcome!

How’s Your Immunity? How’s Your Gut Health?

Colonies of good bacteria live inside our gut and help us to properly digest food and absorb nutrients, and they play a big role in overall immunity. However, these colonies can become depleted, and the decrease of these colonies can negatively affect the entire digestive system and result in constipation, abdominal discomfort, and suboptimal health. Good bacteria can become depleted for a number of reasons, including illness, gastric or intestinal absorption disorders, autoimmune diseases, chronic alcohol use, poor diet, antibiotic use, and the misuse of certain medications such as laxatives. VitaDophilus® is a convenient, effective way to naturally help support healthy gut flora.

What’s Causing Your Symptoms?

Bioresonance therapy can be used as a complementary tool in healthcare alongside conventional medical techniques. While conventional medicine answers the ‘what’ of a condition or disease, bioresonance therapy can go further to help answer the ‘why’. It does so by looking at the root cause of the illness or condition using a more holistic approach. For example, it’s possible for bioresonance therapy to detect stress in the body that may not be revealed by things like blood tests. Rather than looking at a single issue or symptom, bioresonance therapy considers the patient as a whole, using non-invasive and drug-free techniques.

With a New Year Comes New Energy

A new year brings new energy and possibility. Releasing the old that no longer works, makes room for the new. A story comes to mind about a monk who goes out on the lake to meditate in his boat. He cherishes his solitude and quiet. While deep in meditation, eyes closed he feels a sudden smash. He flies into a rage and begins to blame. How could anybody be so insensitive and careless. When he opened his eyes, he saw the boat was empty and had drifted off from shore. It was then he realized all feelings and reactions came from within. The “boats and people” are just who we project them on. This freed him to own and choose his thoughts and ways of being.

Electro-magnetic Fields (EMFs)

Low-level radiation is one type of EMF exposure and is emitted from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, computers, and even power lines. Some scientists report that this type of EMF exposure can cause sleep disturbances, including insomnia; headache; depression and depressive symptoms; changes in memory; and lack of concentration. You can reduce the risk by using the speakerphone function on your cell phone instead of holding it to your ear. Charge your phone in a different room at night, or put it on airplane/flight mode while you sleep. Products are also available that counteract harmful frequencies using healthy ones.

Home Care: Keeping Vulnerable Seniors Safe

The pandemic has drawn attention to issues that affect many long-term care facilities, including chronic understaffing and inadequate supplies of personal protective equipment for employees. During COVID-19, some Canadian families have opted to pull their loved ones out of seniors’ facilities and bring them home, with the support of home health care services. “Data clearly illustrates that seniors who live at home and receive in-home care have lower COVID-19 rates than institutionalized care,” says Maureen Charlebois, Chief Nursing & Clinical Officer at Bayshore HealthCare. “Our seniors deserve the dignity of staying in their own homes with excellent reliable care. Tragically, COVID-19 has proven that home care isn’t just a better experience, with this disease, it has vastly better health outcomes.”