Community News
Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Do you think it’s important to grow your personal life skills? What would the benefits be? What about personal boundaries? Are you struggling with relationships? Does it feel like you are giving too much? Are your values being compromised? Boundaries keep the good in and the bad out! They define who we are and who we are not. They help us understand where our responsibility ends, and others’ responsibilities begin. Boundaries are essential for creating healthy relationships and ensuring our needs are being met, whether physical, emotional, or mental. The autonomy established by setting boundaries is very important for self-care.

Disability Tax Credit Eligibility

When people have restrictions, physically or mentally, they may be entitled to apply for a tax credit. There are different ways in which a person can be eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC). In all cases, the impairment must be prolonged. Also, the person must meet one of the following criteria: 1. Is markedly restricted in at least one of the basic activities of daily living. 2. Is significantly restricted in two or more or the basic activities of daily living (can include a vision impairment). 3. Needs life-sustaining therapy. The credit can allow a person $2500 in tax savings each year as well as a $20,000 Lump Sum Refund. Expert help is available in applying for this substantial tax credit.

Medication Review with Your Pharmacist

Did you know that you can request a formal medication review with a pharmacist to assess your medicine use? This is a great opportunity to ask your pharmacist questions about your overall health, to receive suggestions and advice regarding your medicine use, and to determine if there are some things you may need to change due to safety concerns identified. Your pharmacist may also be able to provide a vaccine review. Some pharmacists can arrange a virtual meeting via computer instead of face-to-face, if you prefer. Ask your pharmacist if you can book an appointment for a medication review!

Product Review: Soprano Ice

Daily shaving can be a struggle! The Soprano Ice offers permanent hair reduction of all pigmented hair on all skin types, including tanned skin, year-round to help you achieve smooth, hair-free skin. Imagine not having to shave every time someone mentions going to the beach! The Soprano Ice can help you gain that freedom. Pain-free laser hair removal works by gradually heating the skin to a temperature that effectively damages the hair follicles and prevents re-growth while avoiding injury to the surrounding tissue, therefore providing a virtually painless visit. If you’ve tried other methods without success, consider the Soprano Ice!

Benefits of Home Care for Seniors

For many Canadian seniors, home health care is a key part of aging safely at home. Whether seniors need medical services, personal care, transportation, housekeeping or companionship, home care can help them live independently at home, for as long as possible – and provide peace of mind to their families. At Bayshore Home Health, we’ve been helping seniors age in place for over 50 years. Our customized care plans are designed to provide the support seniors need to continue to live in their own homes. We make home care simple – your dedicated Care Manager works with you to design a customized care plan to provide the support you need at home. Talk to your family about aging in place safely, with the supports you need.

Words to Live By

“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit and meditate for an hour.” Zen Proverb

Disability Tax Credit for Type 1 Diabetes

The Disability Tax Credit is a program designed to help those with disabilities or their caregivers reduce the amount of income tax they pay, offsetting some of the significant medical and treatment expenses. What diabetes-related activities are covered? According to CRA, the following activities qualify in the 14-hour-per-week calculation: • Checking blood glucose levels • Preparing and administering the insulin • Calibrating necessary equipment • Testing ketones • Keeping a log book of blood glucose levels With children, the 14-hour-per-week eligibility criteria can usually be met by combining the parent and child’s time. T1D is an expensive disease and the disability tax credit can provide some financial relief for those who qualify.

There’s No Place Like Home

Many seniors, whether they need short term or long-term care, prefer remaining in a place most familiar to them – their home. By removing elderly loved ones from their home we often take away years of memories, relationships with neighbors and communities which can lead to a decline in health and leave them feeling sad and isolated. If Mom or Dad is willing to explore the idea of home care, involve them in the process and remember to take it slow at first. Home is still the safest place to receive care!

Product Review: Norwex Reusable Masks

Norwex reusable personal facemasks are breathable and lightweight and have been tested and proven to filter 81% of .1 micron particles. They contain Baclock, an antibacterial agent embedded within the microfiber material that helps with self purification. Designed to be used in addition to other measures, including hand washing and social distancing , these washable personal use masks not only help reduce respiratory droplets from landing on surfaces they also help you avoid you touching your face in public.

Product Review: RELEAF Stick

ACTIVE RELEAF aims to encourage active wellness through the use of nature’s most powerful ingredients. With a synergistic blend of coconut oil, shea butter, essential oils, and broad spectrum cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract, ACTIVE RELEAF’s topicals offer a natural alternative for pain relief. Try the Original Formula RELEAF Stick as a reliable remedy to soothe everyday aches and pains. For extra stubborn discomfort associated with joint stiffness, and inflammation, the Extra Strength RELEAF+ Stick is specially formulated to soothe quickly and be long lasting. Apply liberally to affected areas 3 – 4 times a day or as needed.