Community News
Seniors Need Connection & Support

Researchers have found that loneliness is just as lethal as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Many Canadians may not be aware of the connection between loneliness and poor nutrition and the other serious health implications. With concerns around food security and affordability also being top of mind in Canada, we know our senior population is at a higher risk for both. As an organization dedicated to caring for older adults, Home Instead is urging Canadians to join the effort in ensuring our senior loved ones are getting the care and nutrition they need and helping to end loneliness among older adults.

Seniors Need Connection & Support

Researchers have found that loneliness is just as lethal as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Many Canadians may not be aware of the connection between loneliness and poor nutrition and the other serious health implications. With concerns around food security and affordability also being top of mind in Canada, we know our senior population is at a higher risk for both. As an organization dedicated to caring for older adults, Home Instead is urging Canadians to join the effort in ensuring our senior loved ones are getting the care and nutrition they need and helping to end loneliness among older adults.

Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden

PureTrim Shakes: Delicious and Nutritious

Looking for a nutritious and easy way to lose weight this summer? Look no further than PureTrim Shakes! These 100% plant-based meal shakes come in three delicious flavors and are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals to keep you feeling full and energized all day long. With only 230 calories per meal and a skin-tightening collagen blend, you can lose up to 7 pounds in just 10 days. Plus, PureTrim Shakes are gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free, making them the perfect choice for anyone with dietary restrictions. Try a free sample today by contacting Fred Saliken, Nutrition Specialist at (306)231-9318.

Words to Live By

“Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.” Swedish Proverb

Healthy Low-Carb Broccoli Salad

A delicious high-protein salad that’s gluten-free and perfect for summer! INGREDIENTS: 3 cups broccoli, chopped; 1/3 cup red onion, chopped; 3 slices cooked bacon, chopped; 2 tbsp sunflower seeds; 1/2 cup Greek yogurt; 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar; stevia to taste ~1/8 to 1/4 tsp. DIRECTIONS: Roughly chop cooked bacon and add to a bowl with the broccoli and red onion. In a blender, blend the yogurt, apple cider vinegar and stevia. Pour the mixture over the broccoli mixture. Stir to combine, and sprinkle the sunflower seeds on top. Refrigerate 30 minutes prior to serving. Enjoy!

Brain Injury Awareness Month

Concussions and traumatic brain injuries can change someone’s life forever. If you suffer from a head injury, you should see a chiropractor or physiotherapist/athletic therapist right away. Naturopathic doctors can also play an important role by: 1. Decreasing inflammation in the brain by decreasing inflammation in the gut through diet and lifestyle modifications. 2. Recommending specific supplements to support inflammation, cognitive function, hormones, etc. 3. Providing IV therapy, which can allow high doses of nutrients to reach the bloodstream directly. 4. Offering low-level laser therapy, which stimulates energy production to decrease chronic inflammation and support healing.

Runner’s Knee?

“Runner’s knee” is commonly used to describe two types of injuries of the knee, iliotibial band syndrome and patellofemoral pain syndrome. Both fall into the category of overuse or repetitive strain type injuries. They can occur in isolation or in combination, but both have been shown to be related to poor running mechanics and improper training volumes. What’s the solution? First step is a proper diagnosis by your healthcare practitioner. This should be followed by strength and mobility exercises to improve biomechanics, adjustment of training volumes as needed, and possibly gait analysis and footwear adjustments if it is deemed necessary.

Eco-Friendly Father’s Day Gifts

Looking for an eco-friendly and practical Father’s Day gift? Norwex products are perfect for men who enjoy spending time on the road or water. Cleaning boats and RVs can be challenging, but Norwex cleaning cloths and towels make it easier and more efficient. Their superior cleaning power and ability to absorb dirt and grime keep boats and RVs looking their best. Plus, Norwex products are made with environmentally friendly materials, ensuring they won’t harm delicate ecosystems. Whether your dad is a seasoned boater or road trip enthusiast, Norwex products make an excellent gift for Father’s Day.

Revolutionizing Hair Restoration: Artas Robotic

Artas Robotic Hair Transplantation is a new and highly advanced technology that assists the hair transplant physician in the performance of hair transplantations. The Artas Robotic procedure is minimally invasive and offers fast recovery times. It uses AI in digitally scanning and tracking the hair follicles to optimize the safe and efficient harvesting and re-implantation of hair follicles. The speed of the robotic arm shortens the out of body time of the hair follicles improving their survival and ultimately the hair growth results. Artas is the way of the future in the field of hair transplantation.