Community News
Role of the Funeral Director

Funeral directors are caregivers and administrators, event planners, as well as listeners and supporters. They make the arrangements for transportation of the deceased, complete all necessary paperwork and implement the choices made for final disposition and memorial service. It is important for your family to know your choice whether cremation, traditional, or green burial. Have the conversation with family now to find out what arrangements may already be in place or to help put them in place for the future. Planning ahead can be as simple as a conversation to record your wishes. Your funeral director is there to listen at any time.

Healthy Sources of Fat

Fat sources in the diet are extremely important. Focus on food items such as raw soaked nuts, seeds, avocado, raw EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), or a small amount of real butter if needed. Avoid inflammatory vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils, which are added to a lot of processed foods – even some foods we think of as healthy, such as peanut butter. Start reading ingredient lists on packaged foods to ensure you know whether vegetable or hydrogenated oils are included in the product, and if they are, find raw and natural alternatives where possible!

Photobiomodulation for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second-most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease and the fastest-growing neurodegenerative disease. A 2021 research study showed that Photobiomodulation (PBM) resulted in significant improvements in patients’ mobility, cognition, dynamic balance, and fine motor skills and could be a safe and potentially effective option, with no side effects observed. Improvements were maintained for as long as PBM continued, for up to one year in a neurodegenerative disease where decline is typically expected. Home use of PBM by the person themselves or with the help of a caregiver might be an effective option for many PD symptoms.

Music and Brain Plasticity

Brain-imaging techniques have revealed the brain’s plasticity and have identified networks that music activates. The brain areas activated by music are not unique to music. These networks also process other functions. Musical and non-musical functions share systems. For example, motor control and executive control share circuits with music. Music can activate and drive complex patterns of interaction between the other two, so that a stroke patient and someone with Parkinson’s increases movement, and someone with traumatic brain injury increases cognitive functioning, such as problem solving or decision making.

Keto ‘The Right Way’

Trying to figure out how to go into nutritional ketosis can be a daunting task. There’s so much information on the internet that can cause confusion, and it can be incredibly time consuming. You likely have questions like: What should my calories be? Which foods should I eat and how much? What are macros? Why do they matter to my results? Instead of trying to figure it all out yourself, why not hire a Certified Keto Coach who can answer your questions and create a specialized plan for you? She takes out all of the guess work, allowing you to simply get results in far less time.

Words To Live By

“Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci

The Dental Diet

Nutrition plays a major role in dental health, helping to ensure gums, teeth and tissue are healthy and free from tooth decay, gum disease and other issues. It’s important to eat a healthy, balanced diet for dental health, which includes enough protein, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, folate, and omega-3 fats. Vitamins A, B, C, and D are also important, as are antioxidants. Some great things to include in your dental diet are probiotics from fermented foods, cranberries, soy products, CoQ10, echinacea, garlic, ginger, ginseng, arginine, and green tea. It’s best to avoid heavily processed foods, especially ones high in sugar.

Training Your Glutes

Women over 40 start to experience atrophy (muscle weakness) if they do not keep using and training their muscles. When thinking about our GLUTES, atrophy can lead to what’s known as a ‘sagging’ butt. The good news is the right series of exercises can help combat sagging and lift and tone your butt! Participating in this 30-day challenge will not only lift and tighten your booty, it will enhance your posture, you will slim down and gain nothing but confidence while doing it. You’ll have access to professionally coached virtual live and recorded classes, optional meal plans, real time coaching and a daily checklist of activities to keep things simple. Join Angie and her Team today and FEEL AMAZING!

Improving Thyroid Health

It is estimated that 1 in 10 Canadians suffer from thyroid disease. Up to 60% of those are unaware of their condition. Chemicals found in store bought white flour, bottled water, toothpaste, and many more could be affecting your thyroid without you even knowing it! The thyroid regulates the body’s metabolic rate controlling heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. Removing or avoiding certain toxins and using specific homeopathic remedies are 2 great ways to heal and/or strengthen the thyroid. Check out our free download to learn how!

Celebrate Spring with Healthy Habits

Spring is a great time to start new and healthy habits. Here are a few to try: *Sleep – Getting enough sleep makes you feel good and has a positive impact on your physical and mental health. Strive for 7 to 9 hours daily. *Nutritious meals – Cooking meals at home is a fun activity that often brings people together. *Go outside – Spending time in greenspace has an array of health benefits. *Visit your doctor annually. *Check your hearing health once a year and *Visit your dentist. Are you ready to start new, healthy habits? We’re here to help.