Community News
Is Your Body Overloaded?

Did you know that one of the main causes for illness is toxic overload? Junk food, pollution, and toxic chemicals clog the system with harmful substances and interfere with cellular function. Accumulation of toxins in the body is one of the leading causes of various types of cancers, heart disease and strokes, asthma, acute bronchitis, and more. Detoxification has an important role in better health and promoting a stronger immune system. Periodic detoxification of the body helps in reducing the risk of these chronic diseases. The benefits of reflexology are innumerable and it also helps in flushing out toxins from the body by stimulating qi flow through the important organs involved in detoxification – liver, kidney, colon, lungs, and skin. This leads to a more efficient system of eliminating toxins and other foreign substances, thereby protecting your body from the various diseases and health conditions that can often arise from a compromised immune system.

Marita Dowsett, B.P.T.

The Right Fit–RAW Fit Protein

Garden Life’s RAW Fit is a USDA Certified Organic, RAW, plant-based vegan high-protein powder that makes it easy to increase your protein intake. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor that mixes great with your favorite food or beverage and contains RAW, organic, and clinically studied ingredients. These natural ingredients help you burn fat, maintain healthy blood sugar, boost your energy, lose weight, and look great! RAW Fit supports healthy blood sugar levels and burns fat naturally with the power of Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract, RAW Food Created Chromium, Organic Cinnamon, and Organic Sprouted Grains. RAW Fit is packed with 28g of RAW certified organic plant protein–a complete protein with 13 organic sprouts and a biological value of 98.2%! It promotes healthy and comfortable digestion and elimination with live probiotics and enzymes and is naturally filling and satisfies hunger with RAW organic soluble and insoluble fiber from certified organic grains, seeds, legumes and fruits.

Book Club:

Developing the Art of Health Finding Health, Happiness, Balance, and Strength by Arthur Rosenfeld. The host of PBS’s Longevity Tai Chi and leading Western Tai Chi master, Arthur Rosenfeld, offers a groundbreaking guide to the myriad of mental and physical benefits of this ancient martial art. In this book, Arthur Rosenfeld gives us incredible information about Tai Chi, how it can help us in our daily lives, benefits, and easy exercises to start practicing this art.

Submitted by: Dr. Eduardo Barreto,

Best Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores are downright embarrassing. The more we try to hide them, the more obvious they become. Here are some good home remedies in case you find yourself with an unsightly cold sore. 1. Licorice – Try choosing a licorice whip. Studies show that glycyrrhizic acid, an ingredient in licorice, stops the cold sore virus cells dead in their tracks. Be sure it’s made from real licorice. 2 – Pure Vanilla Extract. Yes, the kind you use for baking. Many people swear by this! Soak a cotton pad and apply directly to a cold sore for a few minutes (3 times daily). 3. Hydrogen Peroxide – It disinfects and speeds up healing time. Soak a cotton ball and apply to the sore. Let it sit for about 5 minutes before rinsing off. 4. Peppermint oil – When applied directly to a cold sore, people have found that the sore healed faster than usual.

Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht

Use fresh and organic ingredients. 4 cups of beef broth. 2 cups water. 2T Apple Cider Vinegar. Juice of 1 lemon. 2 cloves garlic. 3 carrots. 2T Coconut Oil. ½ head red cabbage. 1 cup green beans. 3 potatoes. 3 beets with stems and leaves. 1 onion. 4 fresh sprigs of dill. 2 bay leaves. 2 T Italian seasoning. Salt and pepper to taste. Chop ingredients in tiny pieces. 1 can kidney beans. Combine in a crockpot and cook on high for 4 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Enjoy!

4 Toxic Foods to Eliminate

Processed Meats: Can have up to 400 percent more sodium and 50 percent more preservatives than unprocessed meats. The worst part: Some contain nitrites and nitrates, chemical additives that have been linked to various cancers, but are still used to enhance color and promote taste. 2. Margarine: Is marketed as a cholesterol-free, healthy alternative to butter, but it’s the ultimate source of trans fats, which actually elevate cholesterol and damage blood vessel walls. Stick to real foods and eat real butter instead. 3. Artificial Sweeteners: Anything with the word “artificial” in it is chalked FULL of chemicals. These fake sweeteners cause symptoms that range from migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. Unless you are diabetic, please stop using these sugar substitites immediately! 4. Microwave Popcorn: Bags, in particular, are often lined with a chemical called perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), which has been shown to affect fertility, cancer risk, and kidney functioning.

How Much Vitamin D Do We Really Need?

Vitamin D ensures our body absorbs sufficient calcium. Calcium is required for metabolism, heart and muscle function, and, along with phosphorous, is a key component of bone structure. If your body does not get enough Vitamin D, you are at risk for developing bone abnormalities such as soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis). Although it has not been proven, Vitamin D may help to prevent falls, boost weight loss, fight infections (colds and flus) and reduce your risk for diseases such as multiple sclerosis. To obtain these potential benefits, most adults need to take 1000 I.U per day. You should never exceed more than 4000 I.U per day unless you are severely deficient, as diagnosed by your doctor. Your body also limits the amount of Vitamin D it gets from the sun, so it is safe to continue with supplementation well into the summer months.
Care At Home Pharmacy,

Urgent Need for Plasma

Protein Therapies Did you know that a large number of patients depend on protein therapies derived from human plasma and blood donors in Canada? Donors are required because large volumes of plasma, the liquid portion of blood are needed to treat a wide variety of diseases. For example: 1200 plasma donations are required to treat one patient with hemophilia, a bleeding disorder. 130 donations to treat one patient with primary immunodeficiency, a condition where people cannot make functional antibodies to fight infections. 900 donations are required to treat one alpha-1 patient, a disorder that affects the lungs. These therapies replace missing or defective proteins in patients with rare disorders so they can lead healthier and otherwise normal lives. They typically require on-going infusions throughout their lives as they are chronic diseases so plasma is always required.
Bill Bees, Vice- President, Plasma Technology,

The Thanksgiving Trap

Does this Thanksgiving scene sound familiar? Aunt Jo’s lips are moving but you aren’t listening; you’re fantasizing about five minutes alone with the Nanaimo bars on the table. You starved all day to “save up” calories in case you go overboard. Unfortunately, it’s the perfect trap for what you’re trying to prevent. I know how you feel because that was how I was on a diet, stressed out by holiday food I couldn’t escape. What’s the solution? My answer was to accept that, yes, I probably would eat more on Thanksgiving and, no, it wouldn’t “ruin everything.” I trusted that I could savor my favorite dishes without guilt and fear because I’d be satisfied with far less. I knew I didn’t need to eat everything before the Monday diet that was not going to happen. I learned to trust my body to balance out over a few days if I stuck to eating mindfully.
Lisa Kehler, RD,


September 14
6:15 pm
Free Community Dinner
Learn how to achieve real health to last a lifetime.
Limited seating available, call 204-985-6750 to register.
Academy Chiropractic.


Anger Free Sessions for Adults, Anxiety/Stress Management Sessions, and Pranic Healing.
Renaissance Centre
Call Colette for more info. 204-256-6750 (ext. 23)


September: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at


September: Yoga Sessions (French & English)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at


October: The Five Love Languages: Secret to love that lasts (Couple’s Group and Teen Group).
Book your spot today!
Renaissance Centre


October 15
9:30 am
Cancer Killers Make Over.
Learn what cancer, heart disease, diabetes and headaches all have in common.
Receive practical protocols to get yourself healthy BEFORE disease sets in.
Tickets $10
Call 204-985-6750 to pick up your tickets
Academy Chiropractic.




Ginseng for Weight Loss

Ginseng does many things to help human health, but many people do not realize that ginseng is good for weight loss. It gives an energy boost and can help fight fatigue. Because of this, it allows for you to be more active. One of the big things that it does in the weight loss battle is by regulating blood sugar. It does this by reducing the amount of carbohydrate that is converted into fat. Also, it is important to point out that ginseng alone will not help lose weight if you engage in poor dietary choices. It is vital that a well-balanced diet is followed and that you are active. Otherwise, like the old English proverb says, “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” One of the active ingredients in SlimROAST weight loss coffee from Valentus – The Healthiest Coffee on the Planet!