Community News
Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy works to alleviate acute and chronic skeletal muscle injury or disorders and nervous system disruptions. Tom Bowen, an Australian who developed this technique in the 1950’s, asserted that everything in the body is interrelated so damage at one site restricts the function of the entire system. Furthermore, the body is self-healing; however, injuries or disruptions can limit this healing response. It is this healing response that Bowen therapy works toward activating, with the goal of allowing the body to heal itself. Studies have shown that in addition to restoring muscle and nervous system integrity, Bowen treatments can shift the central nervous system from the sympathetic (flight and fight) response to the parasympathetic (rest and restoration) response. As a result, it can positively affect physiological functions such as circulation, arterial pressure and heart rate, digestion, sleep, lymphatic circulation, and the endocrine system.

Julia Rempel, PhD (Immunology), Certified Bowen Therapist,

Protein Powders for Everyone!

Protein powder is an excellent way to ensure that you and your family’s protein requirements are met when diet alone simply cannot. Now with more to choose from including whey, soy, pea, brown rice, hemp and combinations, casein and egg and even paleo proteins. Proteins are now available that are easy to digest and well-tolerated by people with food allergies and sensitivities. Vegan plant sources of protein can prevent inflammation cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Protein, regardless of whey or plant-based is now a staple in many average households that are looking to encourage and sustain healthy lifestyles. Families will start the day off with a healthy shake that includes a scoop of protein, fruits and other healthy additions such as flax, chia and hemp seeds! Protein shakes are a fantastic way to fuel kid’s co-curricular activities. The elderly are using protein shakes for added energy and ensuring that they are getting proper all around nutrition.

Nutrition Plus Organic Market,

Dogs for Mental Health

Pets for Mental Health My advice for the very best in mental and physical wellness: get a dog! Dogs in particular can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and improve your cardiovascular health. Caring for a dog can help children grow up to be more secure and active, or can provide valuable companionship for seniors. Studies have found that dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets. Pet owners also have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels than those without pets. One of the reasons for these therapeutic effects is that dogs fulfill the basic human need to touch. Even hardened criminals in prison have shown long-term changes in their behavior after interacting with dogs, many of them experiencing mutual affection for the first time. The companionship of a pet can also ease loneliness, and most dogs are a great stimulus for healthy exercise, which can substantially boost your mood and ease depression.

Amy Buehler, 12th Street Studio/Gallery/B&B


Pharmacy Budget

We know that the cost of prescriptions is often difficult to manage for patients. We want everyone to have access to good care and safe medication use – to accomplish this, a customized budget plan for clients. This allows you to remain on your medications and manage the expense throughout the year. Along with the budget, a visiting pharmacist will counsel you or your loved ones in the comfort of your own home on a regular basis. They will help you manage multiple or complex medications and collaborate with other members of your health care team to ensure your health needs are met. This gives you and your family peace of mind with the knowledge that this aspect of your life is taken care of and contributes to a positive quality of life. Better Health and Wellness can be achieved through medication management – call a visiting pharmacist to arrange a home visit.

Care at Home Pharmacy,

Stress Often Leads to Disease

Little bits of ‘acute’ stress are normal, sometimes even healthy. It’s CHRONIC STRESS that often leads to disease. Headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, to name a few, are the first signs of ongoing chronic stress. These symptoms wreak havoc on our bodies and when coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle, exposure to molds, heavy metals, food intolerances, inflammation, infections and parasites within your body, this mixture is why chronic stress is linked to diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Get down to the underlying cause of your stress by having your stress hormones tested and by adopting these healthy lifestyle tips: 1. Practice some deep breathing techniques. 2. Get plenty of sleep. 3. Eat fish at least twice per week or take an Omega 3 supplement. 4. Drink water! Eight glasses a day. 5. Avoid junk food!

Stacie Rasmussen RNCP, Blossom Nutrition,

Clean Eating: Almond Date Energy Bites

1 cup Medjool Dates (de-pitted).

1 cup raw almonds.

1/4 cup unsweetened coconut or rolled oats.

1/4 cup raw cacao.

¼ tsp cinnamon. Pinch of sea salt.

1/2 tbsp vanilla. 1/2 tbsp maple syrup.

1 – 2 tbsp almond milk.

1. Place dates in food processor and pulse until it forms a ball. Break up the date ball with a spatula and add almonds, raw cacao, coconut and salt. 2. Process for 3-4 minutes 3. Add vanilla, almond milk and maple syrup 4. Process until mixture forms a ball. Add more almond milk if the mixture is not forming. 5. Roll mixture into balls and dip in shredded coconut if desired 6. Can be stored in an airtight container or frozen.

Stacie Rasmussen RNCP, Blossom Nutrition,

Help is Available

Professionals can help! If you have a mental health concern, deciding to take that first step toward reaching out to a professional can seem daunting and scary. However taking that first step can open the door to feeling better. Who do you go to if you have a mental health concern? Your doctor can be a great professional to turn to. They may even refer you to other professionals to ensure you get the care you need. There are many different types of professionals that can help us. For example, counsellors can help you work on relationship issues, past life events and many other topics. Financial planners can help you save money or reduce debt. Reaching out to a professional doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, it means you’ve recognized a need for change and want someone to help you through it.

Canadian Mental Health Association,

Benefits of Cassiolamine

This multi-flavonoid compound helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and in the reduction of high blood pressure. Cassiolamine helps to maintain healthy blood vessels by reducing the adhesion (stickiness) of blood platelets, which promotes healthy blood flow. This important ingredient also serves as an anti-oxidant, which helps to maintain a healthy heart and improved immune system. What this natural legume based extract is mostly known for is its powerful lipase-inhibiting features, which results in the prevention of fat absorption and an effective carbohydrate blocker.

Marc Quesnel, Valentu

The Power of Curcumin

Natural Factors® Curcuminrich Theracurmin unlocks the medicinal power of curcumin, the yellow pigment found in turmeric. In India, turmeric has been used for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammatory conditions. Research confirms that curcumin can promote a healthy inflammatory response and provide antioxidant protection to cells. Curcumin also protects against free radical damage to DNA, inhibits the formation of nitrosamines, promotes the detoxification of carcinogens by the liver, stimulates the production of antioxidants such as glutathione, and inhibits COX-2 enzymes that promote abnormal cell growth. Natural Factors Curcuminrich Theracurmin is a natural alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and is 300 times more bioavailable than regular circumin powder. This ensures a therapeutically-effective level in the blood. This supplement also features more double-blind clinical trials than any other curcumin product on the market.

Nutrition Plus

Is Pain Interfering with Your Life?

Bowen is a restorative therapy that allows the body to heal itself. It can provide a path for the body to heal from repetitive strain injuries or chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia or sensory neuropathy. Bowen is a very gentle hands-on therapy such that even if in constant pain, individuals find the treatment relaxing and calming for the body. If needed, Bowen can be performed over loose clothing or with the individual sitting in a chair or a walker. Studies have shown that in addition to restoring muscle and nervous system integrity, Bowen treatments can shift the central nervous system from the sympathetic (flight and fight) response to the parasympathetic (rest and restoration) response. As a result, it can positively affect physiological functions such as circulation, heart rate, digestion, sleep and the endocrine system. Help your body walk away from pain with Bowen therapy.

Julia Rempel

Medication Timing

It is important to understand clearly when to take medications and how to take them. Some prescriptions have to be taken on an empty stomach while others are taken with food – check with your pharmacist to ensure you know what that means (how long before or after a meal do I have to wait). This helps with the appropriate absorption of the medication. Some medications should not be taken with other drugs as this can lead to reduced effectiveness. Timing of medications is also important in terms of when to take them – morning vs nighttime – to alleviate side effects. As well, it is key to follow the instructions on the number of times per day to take the medication. When receiving a new prescription, ask your pharmacist to fully explain the medication so you have a clear understanding of it. A full medication review of all your prescription drugs and over the counter products can further help you see how they work together.

Care At Home Pharmacy