Community News
Spring Cleaning

Kitchens and bathrooms are breeding grounds for germs, so keeping them clean just makes good sense. But did you know about the link between tidy living spaces and mental wellness? After these long, dark winter months spring cleaning can revive not only your home but also your mind and spirit. Mess equals stress and it keeps you from things you love and contributes to feeling overwhelmed. We all want a clean home, but not everyone knows how to achieve this.

Here are 3 steps to creating a routine that works for you:

  1. Create a task list room by room.
  2. Decide how often each task should be performed (daily, weekly, monthly).
  3. Set aside 45 minutes each day to check items off your list (15 minutes before work, after work and before bedtime works just as well)

    Erin Gendreau


Natural Product: Cardioflex Q10

A supportive nutritional supplement for doctor recommended diet and exercise plans that is designed for cardiovascular health. Cardioflex Q1O is a unique blend of vitamins and amino proteins taken daily as supportive natural therapy to enrich cardiovascular health, establish cholesterol balance, and reduce CRP (C-reactive protein).

  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Dissolve atherosclerotic plaque.
  • Relieve the pain of angina pectoris (chest pain).
  • Reduce the likelihood of blood clotting, heart attack or stroke.
  • Increase heart and other muscle strength and stamina.
  • Reduce blood and tissue lipids (fats) and cholesterol.
  • Reduce C-reactive protein (CRP indicates artery inflammation) as well as homocysteine levels.
  • Increase antioxidant intake and activity to slow aging.
  • Help natural immunity against viral, fungal, and bacterial diseases, including antibiotic-resistant strains.
  • Reduce hypertension and improve overall circulation.
  • Manitoba Made, Innotech Nutrition product.

Denture ‘Info Bite’

Implant supported dentures provide better health-related quality of life than conventional dentures. Dentures can either be retained through the natural anatomy of your mouth and the suction it creates, or they can be retained by natural teeth. If you are missing all your teeth we would typically recommend placing at least 2 implants in the jaw. Small attachments (Locator Attachments) go on to the implant and snap into the denture. This helps the denture to stay put and is also much more comfortable to wear. With better retention and stability, implant dentures are a much better option than conventional dentures. They also help maintain bone, which helps maintain your facial structure and appearance. Not to mention they help you eat better and eating well is the key to general well-being.

Mark Serebnitski

You Asked? Sour Cherry Juice

What are the health benefits of sour cherries? Sour cherries naturally contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and melatonin. Sour, tart, and pie cherries are all references to a cherry with a high acid level. It is these cherries that carry the highest acid levels, and the darker the pigmentation the higher the benefits.

It is recommended to take a dose of at least 2 oz. a day. When starting out stick to this, but once you have been on it a while and you recognize the benefits you could adjust. As for when to take it, because of the natural melatonin, take in the evening for best results. Sour cherry juice also helps with gout, which is caused by a buildup of uric acid. The natural acids in the juice breaks down the uric acid crystals in your blood and gets it moving.

Santa Fe Food Company

What is my life purpose?

Many people reach a certain point in their lives when they realize that they truly aren’t happy with their chosen profession or life path. This inner voice was there all along, as a very faint whisper, but as time went on, the voice became louder and louder.

If this sounds familiar, I challenge you to discover your gift! What is it that you that you’re really passionate about? What do you really want to be when you grow up? Release your limiting beliefs about your ability to pursue this passion and put a plan together to make a change. True joy and inner peace are waiting for you, just outside of the four walls of your comfort zone! Open the door and take a step toward your authentic self!

Sue Berard

Yogurt Health Benefits

Yogurt is one item you won’t have trouble locating in your local grocery store. Hit the dairy aisle and rows and rows of colourful cups of yogurt will catch your eye. It’s a top source of bone-building, osteoporosis-preventing calcium. Yogurt is also one of the best sources of probiotics, bacteria that help you maintain healthy digestion. In fact, researchers newly suspect that the probiotics in yogurt may help lower your risk of diabetes. Whether to help prevent osteoporosis, aid digestion, diabetes, or simply because you love it, there are a few delicious ways to make yogurt a part of your regular diet. Recipes such as yogurt parfaits, yogurt smoothies or even a yogurt dip are simple and easy to make and enjoy!

Curves Southdale

Pet Health

Want to get fit while hanging out with your dog?

No longer do owners need to choose between going to the gym and spending time with their own dogs. These classes are the first of their kind to be offered in Winnipeg and are designed for humans and dogs of all fitness levels and all fitness goals. Our goal is to create an environment where each individual team can be nurtured and supported in getting fit and having fun together, all while building a beautiful connection with each other. These classes can be used for socializing puppies and adult dogs, connecting with your dog, creating family time, getting an overweight dog in shape, having fun while burning off the dogs’ energy and the list goes on and on!

Contact Grassroots Canine today to get started on a new leash on life!

Shalin Hustad

Book Club: The pH Miracle

Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
by Robert O. Young, PhD, and Shelley Redford Young.

Never count calories, fat grams, or portion size again! Your body’s pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative program, proven effective over decades, works with your body’s chemistry to revitalize and maintain your health. Now completely revised, updated, and expanded, this classic guide includes the latest research and reveals the secrets of an alkaline-based diet (think plant-based, non-processed whole foods). Learn about how to remove toxins and balance your life with the incredible health benefits of this program.

Clean Eating: Spring Masala

Help balance your digestive system.


1 tsp. cumin seeds
1 tsp. cardamom seeds
2 tbsp. coriander seeds
1 tsp. black peppercorns
1 tbsp. yellow mustard seeds.

Dry roast seeds together in a cast iron frying pan, until mustard seeds start to pop.
Grind all seeds and spices using hand grinder or mortar and pestle into a fine powder and store in an airtight glass jar.
Great on steamed vegetables, stir fry, soups, popcorn.

Kalee Mund

Made in Manitoba: Rawnata

Need a light, healthy snack to munch on during your coffee break?
Try Rawnata Hemp Snackers, available in chocolate, vanilla, and goji. Hemp Snackers are crunchy energy bars that supply protein, fibre, and Omega 3’s.

Need a healthy cracker that contains no flour?
Flax Crackers may be the solution! Pair them with cheese, gourmet jams, gourmet mustards, salsas, and hummus for a wonderful treat.

Rawnata is a modern twist on the Latin name “renate”, which means “reborn”. Rawnata is a Manitoba company that focuses on utilizing raw flax, hemp, and chia seeds. No flour, no additives, no preservatives and no empty calories. We use nothing but raw organic seeds, other nutrient-dense and purposeful vegan ingredients to renew and energize you. Ingredients are sourced locally, where and when possible.

Positive Change

You probably have things in your life that you would like to change. It is easy to approach this desire to change from a position of negativity and hostility. We say to ourselves, “I’m going to kick this weight problem if it’s the last thing I do” or “I refuse to be stuck in this lousy job forever.” What we don’t realize is that negativity steals our energy. Running away from something rather than moving toward something leaves us drained and depletes our motivation. That’s why it’s often easier to lose weight once you start to see physical results. Our minds shift from thoughts like “I don’t want to be heavy” to “I want more of this getting thin stuff”. Make a list of things you would like to be different in your life and try to phrase your goals in a positive way. See how much more empowering it is to focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t want.

Tiffany Prochera