Community News
Made in Manitoba: Rawnata

Need a light, healthy snack to munch on during your coffee break?
Try Rawnata Hemp Snackers, available in chocolate, vanilla, and goji. Hemp Snackers are crunchy energy bars that supply protein, fibre, and Omega 3’s.

Need a healthy cracker that contains no flour?
Flax Crackers may be the solution! Pair them with cheese, gourmet jams, gourmet mustards, salsas, and hummus for a wonderful treat.

Rawnata is a modern twist on the Latin name “renate”, which means “reborn”. Rawnata is a Manitoba company that focuses on utilizing raw flax, hemp, and chia seeds. No flour, no additives, no preservatives and no empty calories. We use nothing but raw organic seeds, other nutrient-dense and purposeful vegan ingredients to renew and energize you. Ingredients are sourced locally, where and when possible.

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