Community News
Add a Little Exercise to your Lifestyle

Physical activity plays an important role in your health and quality of life by making you feel healthier and stronger. Being active helps to improve your balance, reduce your risk of falls and injuries and can help you stay independent longer. So take the initiative! It’s never too late to start and you don’t need to go to a gym to add a little exercise to your routine; consult your doctor and ask to learn more about exercises that can be done while sitting in your chair!

Keep your Heart Tip Top

The heart muscle is your body’s blood pump. It uses the circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and vital organs while also removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. Keep your heart tip top with healthy lifestyle choices that include eating whole foods and avoiding overly salted and fatty processed foods, consuming plenty of green tea and garlic, losing excess weight, increase physical activity, quitting smoking, and drinking alcohol only in moderation. Heart-happy supplements include: Multivitamin/mineral, Extra Magnesium, Omega 3 fatty acids, Coenzyme Q10 (age 50+), L-Carnitine and Hawthorn Berry.

Time to Quit Smoking?

To quit smoking for good is not easy! Nicotine substitutes (patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers) or a prescription medication can help. Your pharmacist can offer support along the way and recommend the best choice according to your needs and state of health. Smoking can interfere with certain drug treatments. When you quit smoking, speak to your pharmacist to see if your treatment needs to be adjusted. Very few smokers are able to quit for good on their first try. Don’t get discouraged. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! Ask your pharmacist for help, and remember—it’s never too late to quit smoking.

Resolutions for 2021

It’s that time again, the beginning of the New Year; yet things look very different than last year. 2020 is officially over, and we are embarking into 2021, hoping for a very different year. Let’s work on making resolutions that will help us through. Focus on that all-important Self-care (and Community-care)! Find the things in life that are enjoyable (and able to do within the constrictions of the pandemic), and make a resolution to commit to them on a regular basis. Be specific yet flexible, and most importantly, make them enjoyable (not just healthy)!

Welcome 2021

What a relief to have 2020 behind us. Although we still need to adhere to health restrictions for a while longer, 2021 should bring brighter days. We look forward to seeing people in the coffee shops again enjoying the social connection and reading our newsletters. Until that time, you can connect on line with health and wellness resources in our WellnessHUB. We have missed the excitement of our Expos, promoting our vendors, booking interesting seminars and seeing all the attendees. While we are sad that the Women’s Expo will not be happening this year, we are hopeful that the Health Expo is a go for September.

Enjoy the Outdoors!

If there is one thing that we learned from 2020, it is the importance of our health. Make 2021 the year for living a healthy lifestyle. We may still need to wear masks and practice social distancing, but outside our door is the beautiful nature of our Vancouver Island. Whether it is just a walk around the block, or a hike up Mount Benson, the fresh air and exercise boosts our wellbeing. So lace up your shoes and wear VoxxLife socks with HPT for enhanced balance and stability. Additional benefits include; enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain and improved mobility.

Quit Smoking in 2021

Do you know that in Canada, 100 people die every day from smoking related illness? Smoking is responsible for more deaths than obesity, physical inactivity or high blood pressure. Our unique 3 step Stop Smoking laser treatment package can help you quit smoking FOR GOOD! The cold laser balances the energy flow between acupuncture points to detox your body and helps alleviate all nicotine addiction and cravings. This non-invasive treatment will have you completely detoxed in 72 hours! Within one week with 2-3 Sessions you can be SMOKE FREE! If you have finally had enough, give us a call!

Cognative Retraining and Rehabilitation

The brain continually changes its structure to meet the demands placed upon it. Cognitive rehabilitation is used to recover lost cognitive skills caused by brain damage. A recreation therapist uses a variety of approaches to promote cognitive abilities. Restoration or Development focuses on recovery of lost skills, the development of skills, or the refinement and maintenance of skills. Compensation focuses on adaptations and modification to compensate for cognitive dysfunction. Changes in the brain can occur over an extended period of time. The potential for further recovery is still there. Contact us to learn more about cognitive retraining and rehabilitation.

Community Profile: Bastion Physiotherapy

Bastion Physiotherapy offer expert service in the field of rehabilitation. For more than 17 years, D’Arcy Boulton, Registered Physiotherapist B.Sc (PT) and his team, have been providing a warm, welcoming and professional environment. They use the latest therapy techniques to help patients overcome physical obstacles, regain mobility and prevent repeat injuries. Their client centered approach will have you back doing the activities that you love best in the shortest time possible. The clinic offers free Pole Walking seminars that highlighting proper use of poles. The proven benefits of Urban Poling include better balance and stability, increased mobility and healthy weight management.

Prevent Pneumococcal Pneumonia

Pneumococcal Pneumonia, caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae, is the most common bacterial type of pneumonia. It can be life-threatening and may require admission to hospital. Bacteria can be present in your nose and throat without symptoms however, you can still infect others. Like the flu, it can be passed on from person to person through talking, coughing and sneezing. Risk factors for Pneumococcal pneumoniae are *Increased age, *Medical conditions such as chronic lung, heart or liver disease, Diabetes, and cancer, *Lifestyle factors including smoking, alcoholism and living in long-term care facilities. If you are 50+, talk to your pharmacist about the Prevnar 13 vaccine.

Take Care of Yourself

It is January, often a difficult winter month, and we all may be feeling a bit sluggish. Along with eating a clean and balanced diet, getting daily exercise and doing things that make you happy, there are a few safe and healthful supplements you can add into your fitness and energy regimen. * Green tea extract to rev up your metabolism and energy *L-Carnitine for energy production and utilization of fat consumption *Chromium picolinate for help with blood sugar issues and appetite regulation *Green coffee bean extract to help lower blood sugar, burn and utilize fat and carbohydrates. Happy, healthy, and energetic New Year to you!