Community News
Brain Injury – Plan for Recovery

Recovery from a brain injury takes positive reinforcement. Celebrate the small successes. Make recovery a social activity. Your success can be fostered with the help of others, even if they do not have a brain injury or stroke. Look for intensity of experience during recovery. The intensity of the experience will help ingrain what is being learned. Fall in love with the process of recovery. Have a recovery plan that includes measurable goals. Success should be measured. Make recovery efforts a part of your everyday schedule. Don’t do the recovery journey by yourself. Let Cowichan Brain Injury help you on this journey.

Support for Your Immune System

Today, more than ever, it is important to take steps to support your immune system. Eat a whole foods diet to support gut health and intestinal cleansing, making sure to include extra fruit and vegetables. Exercise and spending time outdoors can help minimize stress which in turn helps keep your immune system strong. Make sure to get adequate sleep. Herbal supplements can be helpful when needed; Filling in missing gaps with necessary vitamins and superfoods can be essential. Valuable supplements include: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, probiotics, elderberry, quercetin, oregano oil and colloidal silver. Take extra good care and be safe!

Make Your Home Safer

Things you can do to make your home safer and reduce the risk of falling:
Remove tripping hazards like clutter, small throw rugs • Keep items you use the most easily accessible • Improve lighting to ensure you can see your path when walking, especially at night • Install grab bars in the bathroom and ensure your home has handrails on all staircases • Wear non-slip shoes both inside and outside of the house • Get a Home Safety Assessment if you are at risk of falling; an Occupational Therapist can help to advise you on making your home safer.


ACTIVE RELEAF aims to encourage active wellness through the use of nature’s most powerful ingredients. Offering a collection of plant-based wellness products, ACTIVE RELEAF’s WELLNESS TINCTURE is their strongest remedy. Used as a natural plant-based alternative for people experiencing anxiety, insomnia, pain, inflammation and other ailments. The WELLNESS TINCTURE is formulated with a high concentration of broad spectrum cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract, paired with coconut MCT oil to help deliver cannabinoids and increase bioavailability. Taken sublingually (under the tongue) or mixed into your favourite beverage. With three different concentration options (400mg, 1000mg & 2000mg) and measured droppers, dosing is accurate and flexible for your needs.

Skin Protection for Frequent Hand Washing

Covid-19 has brought to the forefront the importance of proper handwashing. One of the effects of frequent washing is dry hands. Unlike most soap bars and liquid soaps, Feisty Ferdy Silky Soap with organic beeswax and essential oils is gentle and will not strip the natural oils from your skin. Restore balance by rubbing nourishing Farmer’s Friend Hand Balm into your hands after washing. Organic beeswax is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It provides a protective barrier, promotes healing, soothes and moisturizes, leaving your hands smooth and soft. It also helps heal split fingertips, dry cuticles, cuts, scrapes, burns, blisters and more.

Coronavirus & Your Mental Health

What should you do if your mental health is suffering during self-isolation? Here are some tips: 1. Maintain routine. It helps to manage anxiety and will help you to adapt more quickly to this current reality. 2. Engage with Nature. Make the most of any private outdoor space you have. Getting sunshine is imperative for a healthy mind. 3. Try something new. Now is a great time to learn how to sew or tackle a DIY project. 4. Limit your news intake. A near-constant stream of news reports about an outbreak can cause anyone to feel distressed. 5. Stay connected. Download a video chat app and have fun chatting with friends and family.

Coming to the Pharmacy?

Retail pharmacists are the most accessible and most frequently visited health professionals. We are on the frontlines of this pandemic. We are committed to protecting our patients & minimizing the spread of this virus. Please DO NOT come into the pharmacy if you are sick or have a fever. Send a family member or friend inside to pick up prescriptions or utilize our free delivery service. Order your Prescription refills through our Diem Health-Remedy’s Rx App and limit trips to the pharmacy. Download the free app on your device today.

Rejuvenate Your Relationships

Are you feeling afraid, isolated, and desperate for connection? Try connecting with friends and family through online platforms like Zoom, Facetime, or Whatsapp. Although we have the limits of social distancing and the request to self-isolate, this gives us an opportunity to connect with our loved ones to a greater degree. Too often we get too busy with our lives that we do not spend the time so essential to building our closest relationships. Finding ways to rejuvenate your relationship with your loved ones is such an important aspect for self-care, and for loving connectedness that builds resilience in such uncertain times.

Product Review: RELEAF Stick

ACTIVE RELEAF aims to encourage active wellness through the use of nature’s most powerful ingredients. With a synergistic blend of coconut oil, shea butter, essential oils, and broad spectrum cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract, ACTIVE RELEAF’s topicals offer a natural alternative for pain relief. Try the Original Formula RELEAF Stick as a reliable remedy to soothe everyday aches and pains. For extra stubborn discomfort associated with joint stiffness, and inflammation, the Extra Strength RELEAF+ Stick is specially formulated to soothe quickly and be long lasting. Apply liberally to affected areas 3 – 4 times a day or as needed.

Gambling Outreach Support

If you are looking for support or an alternative to counselling, you can easily access our team of outreach specialists. They can provide support, assist with personal goals and connect individuals and families with harm reduction resources and appropriate services. They are a resource that provides information, support, referrals, and accompaniment to resources, including: *peer support organizations (such as 12 Step groups or Smart Recovery), *online self-help resources, *community support organizations (legal services, housing services, community mental health services, and many others). They can be reached by phone, text messaging, web chat, or in person. All services are free of charge.

Not Getting Enough ZZZZ’s?

We know that a good diet and exercise will help keep us healthy but did you know that not getting enough sleep has a negative impact on your health? Short term problems include *Lack of alertness, *Impaired memory and ability to think, *Relationship stress and quality of life. Serious health issues related to insufficient sleep include, *Weight gain, *Increased risk of heart disease and stroke,* High Blood pressure, *Lack of sex drive. It is time to make sleep a priority. Let’s get sufficient sleep, starting tonight! Come in and discuss the various sleep products available to help you!