Community News
What Does Health Mean to You?

What is your definition of health? It can be different depending on your goals, ability, current health status, and other aspects of your life. Health incorporates mental, physical, and social health, just to name a few areas that impact our overall health and what we consider health to be, look like and feel like. Before you make your next health goal, define what health means to you. Research, reflection, and coaching can all help set goals, formulate plans, and the all-important maintenance phase of all changes that come with goal setting. I can help.

Innovative Hearing Technology

Technology can change our lives and hearing aids are no different. Thanks to technology, devices to help individuals with hearing loss are far from the bulky and difficult ones of the past. There is a huge variety of hearing aids to suit the specific hearing profiles of an individual; these can be discrete, easy to use and adaptable. The new smart digital hearing aids feel less like a crutch and more like an accessory. In fact, it is difficult to distinguish between hearing aids and the earbuds that so many people have in their ears. Contact us today to find out more.

Your Final Resting Place

When you die, where would you like your final resting place to be? With your partner? With your parents or children? If you are like most, you have not yet made up your mind. This is a conversation that should take place sooner rather than later. If your plans have been made, you want to ensure that they are up-to-date. These days, many Canadians are moving farther away, living longer and changing family traditions. This reinforces the need to review and update your end-of-life plans every five-to-ten years or so, or when major life events happen. We can help.

Ask Your Pharmacist for Help

If you are struggling with a minor health problem, a Pharmacist can help. They can *Recommend a non-prescription medication for minor conditions such as dry skin, fungal infection, diarrhea or constipation that do not require a doctor’s visit. *Provide advice on Over the Counter (OTC) Medications. They can guide you through the different options and help you make an informed choice. *Recommend that you seek urgent care or emergency care if they see a red flag regarding your condition. *Prepare Your Medication List. It is useful to have a list of your medication and allergies in case of emergency, travel or a doctor appointment.

Welcome to Summer

Summer has arrived! This is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and take in a baseball game or two. Check out the Wellness Hub, your local, online Health and Wellness resource for information that can help you make the most out of summer. It features hundreds of health tips and articles along with a directory of local businesses and practitioners offering services and products. Our health and wellness resources also include our printed newsletters, the “Wellness Wednesday” radio show and our Expos. Check out the Hub for more information and to enter our July contest.

After A Fall

On average, every 22 seconds, a person over the age of 65 experiences a fall. Falls often result in bruises and broken bones. Being unable to get up after a fall can cause further, more serious injury. It is estimated that half of the older adults who fall cannot get back up without help. The longer a person is down, the greater the risk of medical problems. Fortunately, an added layer of protection is now available for Lifeline users. The AutoAlert option automatically places a call for help if a fall is detected. Please contact us for more information.

What is Personal Care?

Personal care includes services that help assist seniors and other individuals with various tasks and activities in their daily life, such as bathing, eating, walking and dressing. Services are customized based on the individual’s needs and include companionship that makes a day more pleasant – whether you’re at home or out in the community. Personal care is centered around a meaningful relationship that is built over time with a caring and responsive healthcare professional. It is important for your loved one to be able to live their lives in the way they want. We can help.

Prevent Hearing Loss

Protecting your hearing is the best way to prevent hearing loss. Custom hearing solutions are available to match any lifestyle. For example; *Water Enthusiasts – Swimming or simply taking a shower can result in water trapped inside the ear canal, potentially resulting in irritation or infection. Custom hearing protection keeps the water out. *Hunters – A single gunshot can cause permanent hearing loss. Custom hearing protection is specially designed to prevent against impulse noise. *Music lovers – Listen to music with custom hearing protection that maintains the sound quality and allows you to enjoy rich, natural sound.

Signs of Caregiver Burnout

When you are the caregiver of a loved one, it’s important to also take care of yourself. Here are some signs that you may be suffering from burnout: *Withdrawal from family and friends, *Changes in sleep patterns, *Feelings of irritability, helplessness and resentment.,*Decline in your own health. Things you can do to support yourself include talking to a trusted friend or co-worker; finding a support group and being realistic about your loved one’s state of health. Recognize that the time may come when your loved one will need specialized long term care and know that it is available in your community.

The Powerful Effect of Hormones

Hormones affect many areas of your health, including your mood, your metabolism, and your sexual and reproductive function. Anyone who has been through puberty knows that hormones have a powerful effect on one’s body. Unbalanced hormones can make you feel like a stranger in your own skin. Compounded hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a way to restore balance and help you feel like yourself again. With your healthcare provider’s prescription, we can help establish a hormone replacement regimen that brings your hormones back into balance to closely mimic what your body has been doing naturally for years.

Sports Betting Support

Sports bettors, who tend to be young men, are the most vulnerable to problematic behavior, according to the NCPG’s National Survey on Gambling Attitudes and Gambling Experiences. The survey reveals that sports bettors are three times more likely to exhibit problem gambling behavior than other types of gamblers.” (Quoted from Given the popularity of sports betting across North America, and Canada’s soon-to-be new law allowing single event sports betting ( DoJ), vulnerable sports bettors may find themselves in a position to engage in more impulsive betting behaviour. Contact us for more info on how we can help!