Community News
Fitness, Food and Mindset

There are three key factors when it comes to our physical health; Fitness, Food and Mindset. Fitness or any activity that gets you moving is important but not in the way you might think. Focusing on muscle growth and cardiovascular performance is WAY more important than how many calories you burn. You can’t out-train a bad diet. Therefore, focus on whole foods, eat your veggies and good quality fats and proteins. Lastly, our mindset can be what unconsciously drives our behavior, so unless limiting beliefs are addressed, they can lead you back to old habits that won’t help you reach your goals.

Overcome Physical Employment Barriers

“We’ve learned that we can help people get close to one hundred percent of their physical capability through the use of assistive technology, whether it’s high tech, low tech, software, hardware, or ergonomics,” says Nate Toevs, Marketing Manager for the WorkBC Assistive Technology Services program.
WorkBC Assistive Technology Services is for people who have a barrier to their employment or self-employment activities. The focus is on people with disabilities, but it’s also for people who have an old injury or chronic pain. The program provides funding for assistive technology, ergonomics, restorative supports including canes and crutches, hearing aids, vehicle modifications, and more.

Three Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Do you have a hard time sticking to your health goals? Maybe you made a New Year’s resolution, then by February, it was a faint memory. Here are three steps to help you achieve your goals. 1. Find your WHY. Your why will be what gets you going even when it’s cold, rainy, and the bed is so cozy. 2. Identify the HABITS that are needed to reach your goals and focus on those. 3. Have FUN! If you don’t like what you are doing, you won’t do it, especially over the long run. It can be that simple.

Join the WellnessHub Today

Are you a health care practitioner? Do you have a health and wellness business? If so, you want to get a listing on the WellnessHub – Basic listings are FREE. The WellnessHub is Vancouver Island’s local online health and wellness resource. It features practitioners, businesses, health tips, a monthly contest and much more. Monthly memberships are available for people who want extra exposure. The WellnessHub is supported in print, social media, radio and more. We work with you to get your message out to your potential customers. The Hub attracts thousands of local visitors every month.

How to Write a Condolence Note

Finding the words to write a note of comfort to friends and family who have lost a loved one can be difficult. It does not need to be a lengthy message. Generally, a few heartfelt sentences are enough. Simply express your sympathy and let the recipients know that your thoughts are with them during this difficult time. Acknowledge the loss and refer to the deceased by name. Sharing a fond memory of the deceased is a wonderful addition to the message. End the note with a kind word, a hope, a wish or expression of sympathy

The Cryptocurrency Craze

Crypto! We are hearing about it everywhere now. There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies available, wide-ranging in value. Have you seen the crypto ATMs at the mall? Have you noticed the uptick in crypto advertising during sporting events, including at hockey, football, and basketball games? What is crypto anyways, and how does it work? Is it investing? Playing the market? Gambling? All of the above? None of the above? If you’re curious about crypto, or if it is negatively impacting you or someone you love, please reach out to We can help you untangle crypto.

Coldest Night of the Year

The Coldest Night of the Year is Canada’s National Walk for Homelessness. Since 2011, it has raised more than $43 million. The Coldest Night of the year is a winterrific family-friendly walk to raise money for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Team up, walk, and fundraise! It’s cold out there… but there’s no place like home. The event takes place on February 26th in 168 locations in Canada. The event features family-friendly 2 or 5 km walks and Covid-friendly virtual options. See the website for more details on how you can get involved with your local event.

Health is a Precious Asset

The last two years have brought home the realization that health is a precious asset that we need to preserve and protect. In the upcoming year, a number of us will adopt healthier habits that include revamping our diets and exercise. Reducing risk factors are another way to improve our health. We participate in risk reduction by wearing masks and physical distancing. For seniors, one of the biggest risk factors is not being able to quickly access help in an emergency. Whether fall or an emergency, quick access to help is directly correlated to improved outcomes.

Vaccinate in Case of Re-infection

People who have had COVID-19 can still benefit from getting vaccinated due to the severe health risks associated with the virus and the fact that re-infection is possible. There is currently insufficient exact information available to say if or how long people are protected from getting COVID-19 after they have had it. Early evidence suggests natural immunity from COVID-19 lasts for a couple of months and that the vaccine offers better protection than natural immunity. If you are unsure whether or not you ever had COVID-19, the vaccine is still recommended.

Assistance for an Ageing Workforce

“We’re dealing with an ageing workforce that will have more people with chronic pain issues, more people with vision or hearing loss, and there are different supports available depending on the degree of challenges you are dealing with,” says Nate Toevs, Marketing Manager for the WorkBC Assistive Technology Services program. “We know we can bring a lot to the table that can make a huge impact for that individual, which in turn will impact the company that they work for.” The program provides funding for assistive technology, ergonomics, restorative supports including canes and crutches, hearing aids, vehicle modifications, and more. Contact us for more information.

Mindfulness Improves Wellbeing

With our days already busy with work and our loved ones, the pandemic continues to cause many of us extra stress and anxiousness. To combat anxiety or burnout, engage in the practice of mindfulness to improve your mental wellbeing. Mindfulness is the practice of taking time to stop, think and focus on the present moment. This means being aware of your state of mind and thoughts, what feelings or sensations you are experiencing, the environment, and your breathing. Allowing yourself the time to be in the present helps you to calm down, frees your body of tension, and relieves your mind of distressing thoughts.