Community News
Your LOCAL Wellness Resource

Today, more than ever, people are searching on line for local resources. Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® is proud to present a One-Stop, Online Resource where our community can find local wellness information. Our Wellness Hub enables people in central Vancouver Island to easily find and support local businesses, read health tips and find out what is happening in the community. Check us out online at

Ingredients Matter

Many of us rely on skincare products to help us look our best. Unfortunately, many contain toxic ingredients that should not be put on our skin. These toxins can trigger or exacerbate an array of problems including allergies, hormone disruption and even act as irritants or carcinogens. Palm oil is a common ingredient in skincare products because it is inexpensive. Scientific studies have shown a link to dementia. Don’t be fooled by terms such as “natural”, “pure” or “hypo-allergenic”. Examine the ingredients and look for words that you can read and understand. Look for brands that are truly transparent.

Restless Legs?

Are your legs keeping you up at night? HealthLink BC identifies Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) as a disorder related to sensation and movement. The symptoms, often most severe at night, are unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations in the legs that cause an irresistible urge to move them. Moving the legs only relieves the discomfort temporarily. If symptoms are mild, a few lifestyle changes may be enough to control them. *Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine *Keep the bedroom cool, quiet, and comfortable *Get regular exercise *Massage the leg or use heat or ice packs. Some people find relief wearing socks with woven HPT technology.

Gum Inflammation? See A Dental Hygienist

Periodontal disease is an inflammatory and an immune response to bacteria hiding deep under the gums. Most of the time, your hygienists can make a solid attempt at initial therapy, then take a step back and assess how things have healed up. Unmaintained moderate to severe periodontal disease deposits may be too deep or hidden under the gum to reach so you need the assistance of a periodontist to help surgically access the root of the problem. The key to preventing periodontal disease is to take care of your gums and to see your hygienist regularly.

Community Event – HUSTLE for Hospice!

Bike, swim, hike, dance, kayak, backyard game, garden tour or whatever your way through this community fundraiser for Nanaimo Community Hospice. Register online as an individual or as a team, pick up your registration package and complete your “Hustle for Hospice” activity before August 28. Be sure to follow all the current Provincial Health guidelines while doing your activity. Record your activity and post the image or videotape online. Prizes awarded for the most creative costume or “Hustle for Hospice” activity. Dare to be different! Join the virtual “Hustle for Hospice” Celebration on September 12th. Full information on our website.

COVID-19: Impact on Gambling

COVID-19 has impacted everyone’s life, including people who gamble. Although in-person gambling venues such as casinos and bingo halls are closed, online gambling remains available 24/7, not only on the sanctioned BCLC site, but also internationally. Concerns about increased time and money spent online gambling have been top of mind in the helping community here at the BC Responsible and Problem Gambling Program. Our FREE services continue, including virtual options (telephone and videoconferencing) for counselling, outreach support as well as prevention and education. The Gambling Support Line (1-888-795-6111) remains available 24/7. Any other inquiries can be made at

City Of Nanaimo Park Programs

We may be in the midst of a global pandemic, but Nanaimo’s Parks, Recreation and Culture is bringing the community many opportunities for recreation throughout the summer! These activities are perfect for all ages. The Water Safety Education Team will be visiting local parks and waterfront areas this summer. Visit our website for all the details on summer camps like our playground program, the “ParkIt Challenge”, as well as many adult programs happening in the parks. Look for our recreation staff for random “pop-ins” at Nanaimo parks throughout the summer. They are giving away swag.

Where to Keep your Medication

Your medication can be damaged by heat, air, light and moisture. Most medications may be stored at room temperature, in a cool dry place, out of sight and reach of children and pets. Avoid the bathroom medicine cabinet since the heat and moisture from the shower, bath or sink may damage the medicine. A better location may be a bedroom, travel storage or fridge. Exposure of medication to inappropriate conditions may render them ineffective or even harmful if ingested. For questions about proper storage of your medications, call your Personal Pharmacist at the Medicine Shoppe.

Pre-Planning Your Funeral

No matter what end of the planning cycle you are on, being prepared and asking the right questions can help ease stress and ensure your wishes, or those of your loved one, are achieved. Pre-planning your funeral can save time and stress for your grieving family members, and give you the opportunity to personalize your celebration of life. Everyone is different, so take on funeral planning when you are comfortable and give yourself as much time as you need. The more details you have, the easier it will be for others to carry out your wishes.

Community Profile: Bastion Physiotherapy

Bastion Physiotherapy offers many different services for all ages. Our #1 goal is to make sure that you receive the best care and leave feeling satisfied with your treatment. Come and receive treatment in our new cozy environment where our staff will treat you like family. We welcome all Worksafe, ICBC, MSP and private with or without health insurance patients! We are now operating at full days and new patients are always welcome. Free walking pole seminars are up and running in a socially distanced environment. Call us today and get back to doing what you love to do!

Saliva; Not Just Moisture in Your Mouth

Saliva and its benefit is something we often take for granted. When production of your saliva is less than adequate it can present a number of genuine difficulties and health concerns. The bulk of saliva is derived from three pairs of glands in the mouth. They produce approximately three quarters of a teaspoon of saliva every minute during mastication (chewing) which provides lubrication to aid in chewing and swallowing. Saliva also acts as a protective layer on natural dentition, bathing the teeth with minerals to help prevent cavities. The enzymes in saliva work to limit bacterial, viral and fungal growth which, if left unchecked, can lead to infections and tooth decay.