Community News
A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way!

Gratitude is one of the fastest and most effective ways to change your mood. When you’re feeling heavy, overwhelmed with difficulties or frustrated with what you don’t have, one of the quickest and easiest ways to change this is to focus on what you DO have! Here’s an easy exercise to add into our day: just notice what you feel grateful for. Especially when you’re frustrated or feeling like things aren’t going your way, try this practice to change up your energy. What we focus on expands, so the more we focus on what lights us up and makes us happy to be here, the better! Gratitude is a key in life to attracting what we want. Here’s an exercise to try: at the end of each day write down 3 things that happened for which you are grateful. Do this for 21 days. See how this feels and what happens!

Light Body Healing Works,

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a great way to help improve your overall health and wellness. Through a process called “autointoxication”, toxins from fecal matter get absorbed and re-circulated into the bloodstream. As the toxins re-circulate, the body’s systems become overburdened which puts the body at risk for serious health conditions. Colon hydrotherapy helps to maintain regularity, kick-start weight loss, decrease colon cancer, maintain PH balance of the bloodstream and create an overall increase in well-being. During the one hour session, purified and pressure regulated water is introduced and released from the colon. This allows for the toxins, parasites and waste to be flushed out of your body. During the treatment, we provide a relaxing, comfortable experience after which many clients feel refreshed.

Kelly Wood, Island Colon Cleanse,

Exercise the Best Medicine

Don’t be surprised if instead of a prescription for pills, your doctor fills one out for exercise. Especially if you’re inactive. It is extremely important that everyone exercise at least three times per week. Regular exercise not only controls weight, exercise combats health conditions and diseases. Studies show how exercise improves mood, boosts energy, and promotes better sleep. Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun. As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you haven’t exercised for a long time, have chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis, or you have any concerns.

Curves Comox,

Looking for Help? Local Products & Services?

Are you looking for someone to help you with your health issues and don’t know where to turn? Are you looking for NEW health, wellness, lifestyle and business solutions? Locally grown organic foods? Products made in your province? How do you know who is right for you? Welcome to the home of Wellnessnews – Choices for Healthy Living™ – comprehensive Health and Wellness Directory. Our goal is to develop a resource that will serve as a gateway for holistic and eco-friendly ideas, products and services! This newly launched DIRECTORY is showcased on the website. Utilize this free guide and check back daily for your Community Based local businesses! We are an expanding local organization representing holistic professionals, practitioners and businesses. We encourage and promote healthy living, and support the professionals and businesses that make it possible. Together, we can make a difference!

Giving Back

Comox Valley Family Services Association (CVFSA) mission is to build on individual and family strengths which support growth and healthy lifestyles. As a non-profit registered charity that started in 1974, they have grown to provide essential services to the Comox Valley and surrounding areas. They are dedicated to the well-being and success of children and their families and serve over 500 families in a year. As an accredited agency they offer a ‘continuum of care’ from prevention programs such as Healthy Families, to intervention programs such as Community Based Victim Services. Also provide therapeutic programs such as Sexual Abuse Intervention programs, to Low Income Couples Counselling for parents with children. Most of our programs are open referral; anyone can refer from the community or can self-refer. For information on how you can help ‘give back’ visit


Alternative Healing: Aromatherapy

In 1994, building upon knowledge accumulated by Dr. Edward Bach, Doctors Reimar Banis, M.D., N.D. and Ulrike Banis, M.D., N.D.. (having decades of experience in both general medicine and holistic health), began to develop a new holistic method of treating illnesses, independent from any ideologies or belief system, considering the body and soul as well as the vital energies. With the assistance of biophysicist Dieter Jossner, The REBA Test device was invented and became available to trained practitioners in 1998. The REBA Test device accurately measures the subtle energy field of the body (also known as the aura), by detecting Delta (vital), Theta (emotional), Alpha (mental) and Beta (causal) brain waves. Regarding Aromatherapy, this device can be used to select the optimum essential oil or synergy of oils for an individual, based on improvement to their baseline reading.

Nelson Meggitt

Spotlight: Spirit Gardens

Gord Weber is truly in the garden business to make a difference and to bring people closer to Nature. His passion is creating landscaping while working cooperatively with Nature Spirits. Being employed in a stressful career for several years, he began to garden in his neighbour’s yards. What he quickly learned was his connection with Nature – shrubs that he touched became greener, healthier and more robust. A change in careers was born. Gord is now in the process of learning to communicate with Nature Spirits. What works, what doesn’t, what their needs are. “We are all connected. We need to know and respect that.” The tranquility of water, the darting of birds, the playfulness of elementals and the healing qualities of plants all play a role in the enlightenment of humans. Gord designs, installs and maintains residential properties. He has that ‘artistic gift’ for designing ponds, waterfalls, creeks, patios, walkways, retaining walls, with use of applications such as stones, boulders, organic soil, cedar structures and healing plants.

Gord Weber, Spirit Gardens

All About Aloe

Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) contains over 200 active ingredients in nature’s most bioavailable form, including: Polysaccharides; 20 out of 22 Amino Acids; 8 Enzymes; Vitamins A, C, E, B6, B12 and Folate; Minerals including Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Potassium, Sodium, Manganese and Germanium. Consuming Aloe Vera helps assist in cellular absorption, supports our immune system, and assists in keeping gastro-intestinal functioning regular and healthy. Good health starts with healthy digestion, good nutrition and Aloe Juice. If the cells are healthier, quality of life is greater. Ask yourself, what could Aloe do for your health?

Maureen Glowasky

No Laughing Matter

Why didn’t anyone laugh at the foot jokes? Because they were too corny. If you are one of those unfortunate people who suffer from corns you know they are no laughing matter. Corns develop because of too much pressure or friction and can cause a great deal of discomfort. As we age, the long, inside arch can drop causing the front of the foot to shift outwards. If the metatarsal arch depresses the forefoot flattens and becomes wider. Alternatively, if you have a long, narrow foot, your shoes may allow too much interior movement, and surface corns can develop because of the friction. If you have corns, purchase shoes the proper width for your feet, ensure proper foot alignment with foot orthotics, and treat them with toe spacers or custom molded toe separators to keep the area between the toes dry. Corns can be very challenging to get rid of once you have them. Prevention is the best course of action.

B.D. Mitchell Prosthetic & Orthotic Services Ltd.

Book Club: The Wheel of Healing with Ayurveda

Michelle S Fondin. Build Optimal Energy and Health in Body, Mind, and Spirit Ever wondered why you’re feeling out of balance, stressed-out, sick, and exhausted but still can’t sleep? Western medicine often ignores the underlying issues that can lead to fatigue, illness, and disease, but there is a way to revitalize your body and mind without drugs or dangerous side effects. Ayurveda, the “science of life,” is a complete wellness system that includes all that we associate with medical care – prevention of disease, observation, diagnosis, and treatment – as well as self-care practices that are generally absent from Western medicine. This truly holistic approach considers not just diet, exercise, and genetics but also relationships, life purpose, finances, environment, and past experiences. In this thorough and practical book, Michelle Fondin guides you gently through self-assessment questions designed to zero in on your needs and the best practices for addressing them, such as eating plans, addiction treatment, detoxification, and techniques for improving relationships. She outlines steps you can take, with minimal cost, to heal common ailments such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, excess weight, anxiety, and depression. These time-tested methods for body, mind, and spirit wellness offer benefits to anyone at any age.

Clean Eating: Veggie Burgers


1 large red onion
1 large bell pepper
3 carrots
1 small head cauliflower
1 large stalk broccoli
1 Cup almonds, soaked 12-24 hours
1 Cup sunflower seeds, soaked 5-6 hours
1/4 Cup sesame seeds, soaked 5-6 hours
5 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp Braggs, or to taste
1 tsp cumin
2 Tbsp dried Cilantro, or 1-2 Cup fresh.


Blend all of the above ingredients and seasonings in a champion juicer with solid plate, or a food processor. This blended food is your patty mixture. Form and put 1/2″ thick patties on a teflex sheet and place trays in dehydrator. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 8-12 hours or until desired texture is obtained. Flip your burgers after 4 hours and remove teflex sheets, continue to dehydrate for 4-5 hours or until desired moisture is obtained.

RAWthentic Eatery