Community News
Words to Live By

“Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.” Swedish Proverb

Brain Exercises for Seniors

It’s important for people of all ages to keep their brains healthy with regular workouts, but especially so for seniors. Here are five ways you can keep your mind sharp as you age: 1) Play a game. Try a sudoku, crossword, or jigsaw puzzle, or play a game of cards with friends. 2) Get moving. Regular exercise increases blood flow to your brain and increases neurons. 3) Listen to or play music. Science shows that music is a great brain booster. 4) Eat right. A healthy diet is crucial for cognitive health. 5) Learn something new. Keep your mind engaged!

Book Club: Kick Ass Kick Addiction

A book designed to help addicts and their families, start the recovery process from their homes. The author, with 17 years of experience living with an addict, explains how families can help cure drug and alcohol abuse addicts. Full of techniques to help get to the root cause and build self esteem and self confidence.

Ask The Expert

Q: My wife says I should be careful with my glasses around the barbeque. Is she right?

A: Probably. Lenses with anti-reflective coatings can sometimes be damaged by extreme changes in ambient temperature. If you’re cooking at high temperatures, stay back from the heat. Similar heat damage can also occur to glasses left in a hot vehicle.

Community Spotlight: Comox Curves

Located in the Comox Mall and owned by Darcelle Hartling, Comox Curves has something to offer every woman. Darcelle, her circuit coaches Corinne McLellan and Jayde McLellan give a warm welcome to all. Curves is a facility specially designed for women featuring a complete 30- minute workout that’s fun, fast and safe. Using hydraulic machines in a circuit for strength training, Curves can help you develop strength, balance and flexibility while also helping to prevent/alleviate pain from many health issues which may include: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and reduce the symptoms of menopause to name a few.

A Collaborative Plan for Your Injury

It can be frustrating when getting treated by a single practitioner for weeks with no end in sight. At Origin Integrated Health, we go for a collaborative approach! We offer you an individualized treatment plan to follow that most often involves collaboration between experts in the field. We treat the cause of your pain and focus on strengthening your imbalances in motion. We call upon:
• Myofascial techniques and Class IV Laser with a Chiropractor
• Inter-muscular Stimulation or Acu-Stimulation with a Physiotherapist or Acupuncturist.
• Active Rehab with an Athletic Therapist or Kinesiologist.
• Injection therapy with Naturopaths and Acupuncturists.
Let’s make you a master plan to get YOU BETTER!

Resilience During Crisis

We’ve heard a lot about resilience lately and after 7 months of “lock-down”, even the most resilient are beginning to feel the fray. Developing a mindset of confidence and personal security is a daily ritual of small practices that honour YOU. First, you need to accept this time and all the intensity surrounding it. Express yourself – journal, sing out loud, have a creative outlet. Next, we focus on our breath. It is a fact that breathing deeply will decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. Have a mindset of gratitude – many of us take the simple things in life for granted, and especially now we need to remember what makes us happy.

Are You Always in ‘Fight or Flight’ Mode?

Massage therapy is undeniably effective at getting people tapped in to their parasympathetic nervous system, which is more commonly called ‘rest and digest’. Unfortunately, many spend most of their days in ‘fight or flight’! When the parasympathetic nervous system is in charge, blood pressure and heart rate lower, breathing is fuller, oxygen and blood make it deeper into the body, tissues repair themselves, organs do their jobs better, and overall, mental health is much more relaxed and content. It’s not hard to understand why being in ‘rest and digest’ is more conducive to recovery, management and being better prepared to handle what life throws at us!

Back to School Blues

Back to school signifies many things for kids. It is a return to friendships, learning and routines. For others, it may be daunting, riddled with nervousness or fear. Here are some tips to watch for that may suggest your child is struggling with a return to school. They may report nausea, headaches or stomach upset, possibly without a fever. Some may have increased jitters, difficulties falling asleep, or settling down. If your notice changes, we suggest checking in with them. You know your child best and sometimes the simple check-in can be the most effective treatment to the back to school blues.

How Does Prolozone Work For Chronic Pain?

Prolozone Therapy is an injection technique similar to Prolotherapy that uses ozone. Joints heal much more quickly because ozone is a highly reactive molecule & when injected into a joint capsule it is able to stimulate the fibroblastic joint repairing abilities. This allows for a healing environment within the joint to develop and results in increased range of motion and decreased pain. Because Prolozone has the ability in many cases to actually correct the pathology of the disorder, there is a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to become permanently pain free. By repairing the connective tissue this is all that is needed to permanently reverse chronic pain.

Experience the Power of Inner Peace

Being in a permanent state of stress or anxiety elevates cortisol and adrenaline and depletes serotonin and growth hormones. Our immune system gets overwhelmed which erodes our inner healing capabilities. Rest and relaxation build up our healing resources. A relaxed body is better at reducing inflammation and pain, repairing disease, helping us sleep better, and changing how we respond to stress. When we relax, we heal. Our sessions include brain training technologies to get you into a state of deep relaxation. Our services may be covered by some extended health plans and other funded programs.