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Believe to Achieve

BELIEVING is the most important part of the mental game of any sport or leisure activity. If you want to change your experience, change your beliefs – at the subconscious level. Learn to hit the ball, SEE THE BALL, be AWARE of the game set around you and play with confidence. BELIEVE in your ability and watch your game improve daily! Hypnotherapies for sports and leisure activity treats anxieties and blocks at the subconscious level, improving your underlying beliefs in your abilities. Remember how good you felt when you first hit a ball cleanly, made a wonderful putt, sank a shot, made a fabulous pass to a teammate, returned an impossible serve, got your first strikeout or made it to the podium? Hypnosis works with your subconscious beliefs to eliminate anxieties, release old blocks, and bring those wonderful feelings of being in the moment – IN THE ZONE – and put you back on the path of enjoyment and fulfillment within your sport!

Pete Flagg, Hypnotherapy Consultant, Victoria Hypnotherapy for Sports Performance Improvement,

Want to be Free of Sickness & Disease?

Do you want to extend the quality of your life? Do you want to relieve inflammation? Powerful Plant Enzymes and Proteolytic Probiotics are the answer! Every single function in the body relies on enzymes. Enzymes have an unlimited source of energy. This unlimited source is what drives us and gives us life as well as the energy to do what we want. Did you know that it is very likely that we were robbed today? That our pancreas is enlarged – perhaps two to three times the size it ought to be? That our immune system is expending some of its resources to help us complete the digestion of our food in our blood stream? Practically everyone is devoid of enzymes. Did you know that without enzymes protein is not utilized? Without protein, minerals are not absorbed. And without minerals, vitamins do not function. This is the CAUSE of most illness and disease. Many have eliminated their most challenging illness with the enzyme and probiotic protocol.

Louis Hoolaeff, Leading Edge Health,

Understanding Your Subconscious Mind

We have two parts to our mind, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind. The conscious part of our mind makes up 5-10% of our potential mind power. Our subconscious makes up 90 to 95% of our potential mind power, where our core values and belief systems stem from, where creativity and emotions are generated, and where long-term memories are stored. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool that uses hypnosis and allows the conscious mind and the subconscious mind to work together to use all the potential power of your mind to achieve goals, change unwanted behaviors and beliefs, and resolve inner conflicts. Hypnosis allows direct access to the subconscious and can alter unwanted or outdated beliefs which results in positive changes physically, mentally and emotionally. It is imperative to change or alter what is in our subconscious mind, or understand it in order to facilitate positive, lasting change.

Scott Metcalf, C.H.t, RCCH,

Autism and Homeopathy

Autism Spectrum Disorders are on the rise with one in 68 children now being diagnosed. These are serious, potentially life-long conditions, which place a great deal of financial and emotional stress on families and society at large. Homeopathy can help to reduce and manage common autistic symptoms that are hard on families, especially eating, digestive and sleep problems as well as behavioural issues such as rigidity and hyperactivity. Homeopathy can also be used to identify the numerous causative factors of autism. If the homeopathic form of a substance which contributed to the condition is given, the child may have a brief healing reaction and then improve. Such substances can include antibiotics, vaccines, pesticides, car exhaust fumes, medications during or before pregnancy and ultrasounds. If you have a child with autism or a related developmental disorder please consider homeopathy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND, FCAH,

It’s Time For a MASSIVE Change!

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? What if you could increase your brain power with the right foods to stay sharp all the way to Lunch. What if you could improve your performance on those school exams or projects at work by simply adding 3 key foods to your breakfast? 3 key Foods that actually taste good! The truth is YOU CAN build a bigger, better, faster brain by making smart choices! Join 11-year-old International Speaker/Author Daniel Bissonnette to learn about the delicious foods and simple strategies that will help you fuel a sharper, smarter brain and happier YOU!
Virginia Ritchie,

Resolutions for Your Pet…and YOU!

January is the month to make good on all those New Year’s resolutions. Is one of those resolutions to exercise your dog – rain, snow or shine each and every day, and to possibly make your walk longer, or more interesting? The benefits of having pets are endless, and the opportunity to enjoy a walk together is truly a time to look forward to for both pet and owner alike! This is a great time to bond and enjoy each other’s company, to teach a new command, to explore a new route, to meet up with and enjoy the company of fellow dog walkers and dogs, to enjoy the night sky, and of course, to get that all-important exercise! For both dog and owner, always remember to dress for the weather, to use a flashlight or reflector for night walks, to take waste bags, and to pack some treats and perhaps water if a longer walk! Make 2017 a year of memorable walks!

Happy Paws Pet Food,

Boost Your Mental Health This Winter

Winter months can be difficult for those experiencing a mental health challenge or illness, especially during and following the holiday season. There are, however, a myriad of evidence-based ways to boost your physical and mental well-being. One important tool is vitamin D. Research clearly shows the benefits of this powerful vitamin for improving body and thereby brain health. Our bodies synthesize this nutrient through exposure to the sun. However, during reduced daylight months we are unable to get what we need from our solar source. Because low levels of vitamin D are associated with depression, it may be beneficial to add vitamin D through your diet, light therapy, or a supplement. If taking a supplement, choose the “D3”version and consume with a fatty meal. Be sure to speak with your doctor before starting a nutritional supplement program. If low mood persists, contact your healthcare provider or local CMHA for additional information and resources.

Sean Miller, Canadian Mental Health Association,

6 Toxic Chemicals in Your Laundry Detergent

The laundry detergent you’re using may contain a cocktail of potent chemicals. Not only can these chemicals wreak havoc on your health, but they also are contaminating our waterways and harming the environment. Because laundry-care product manufacturers are not required to list all laundry detergent ingredients on packaging, it can be difficult for consumers to make informed choices. There are 7 toxic chemicals likely found in your store-bought detergents, according to the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep. Cosmetic Safety Reviews, research studies show that the chemicals in detergents link to allergies, irritation of the skin and eyes, organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, ecotoxicology, and biochemical or cellular changes. Do your research as you may find out that it’s your laundry detergent that is causing your skin irritations or allergies.

Kevin Shale, Low Environmental Impact Technologies,

Travelling With Pets

When making travel decisions for the holidays, it’s a good idea to plan boarding or in-home pet-sitting for your pet. But if you have decided it’s best to bring him along, take a few things into consideration. Air travel can be particularly dangerous for animals with “pushed in” faces (the medical term is “brachycephalic”), such as bulldogs or pugs. Their short nasal passages leave them especially vulnerable to oxygen deprivation and heat stroke. If transporting your pet by air is the only option, find out whether they can travel in the cabin with you. Most airlines will allow you to take a cat or small dog in the cabin for an additional fee. But you must call the airline well in advance; there are limits to the number of animals allowed in the cabin. Travel is a stressful event for animals, so remember to plan ahead of time, and talk with your Veterinarian if you have other concerns.

Approaching a Stress Free Christmas

With the holidays just around the corner, plans are underway for getting together with friends and family for parties, dinners, and gift giving. With lists being compiled for groceries, gifts, libations and maybe household items needed for anticipated overnight guests. In 2015, the average adult planned to spend $766 on holiday gifts. About 27 percent spent over $800, while 23 percent spent $200 or less. Which category did you fall in last year? And what about this year? If you have not been in the habit of using lists for shopping, they can be a help in staying within your spending limits. Having a set limit is a great way not to overspend. As well, using cash is a great way to have Christmas paid for before the event. The holidays are for memory making with family and friends or just plain rest and relaxation, and that is more easily accomplished without any financial stress.,

Have You Tried Hypnotherapy?

We have two parts to our mind, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind. The conscious part of our mind makes up 5-10% of our potential mind power. Our subconscious makes up 90 to 95% of our potential mind power, where our core values and belief systems stem from, where creativity and emotions are generated, and where long term memories are stored. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool that uses hypnosis and allows the conscious mind and the subconscious mind to work together to use all the potential power of your mind to achieve goals, change unwanted behaviors and beliefs, and resolve inner conflicts. Hypnosis allows direct access to the subconscious and can alter unwanted or outdated beliefs which results in positive changes physically, mentally and emotionally. It is imperative to change or alter what is in our subconscious mind, or understand it in order to facilitate positive, lasting change.

Scott Metcalf, C.H.t, RCCH,