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Have You Tried Hypnotherapy?

We have two parts to our mind, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind. The conscious part of our mind makes up 5-10% of our potential mind power. Our subconscious makes up 90 to 95% of our potential mind power, where our core values and belief systems stem from, where creativity and emotions are generated, and where long term memories are stored. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool that uses hypnosis and allows the conscious mind and the subconscious mind to work together to use all the potential power of your mind to achieve goals, change unwanted behaviors and beliefs, and resolve inner conflicts. Hypnosis allows direct access to the subconscious and can alter unwanted or outdated beliefs which results in positive changes physically, mentally and emotionally. It is imperative to change or alter what is in our subconscious mind, or understand it in order to facilitate positive, lasting change.

Scott Metcalf, C.H.t, RCCH,

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