Community News
What is Homeoprophylaxis?

Every parent wants to ensure the best health for his or her child. Vaccines are a wonderful way to prevent certain infectious diseases but may come with a heavy price tag in the form of chronic disease, including auto-immune and neurological disorders. Aluminum adjuvants, used in most vaccines, are potent neurotoxins and immune stimulants. Children are sicker than ever before with chronic allergies, asthma and a plethora of behavioural and developmental disorders. Homeoprophylaxis, the use of homeopathic remedies for the prevention of infectious diseases, has a 200-year history of safety and efficacy. Countries like India, Brazil and Cuba have used homeoprophylaxis on a large scale to prevent serious disease. India recently treated 20 million people to prevent Japanese Encephalitis. Death rates went from more than 1500 per year to zero. Homeoprophylaxis also has great potential to protect children’s health and every parent would be well-advised to investigate it.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND, FCAH,

Ringing In The Ears: How to get Tinnitus Relief

Do you hear noise in your ears that other people can’t hear? Annoying sounds, like ringing, buzzing, whistling, whooshing or hissing? If so, you are not alone. Over 3 million Canadians suffer from tinnitus – a condition characterized by sounds that originate from within, rather than from without, your ears.

Tinnitus takes on many forms:

The most common “garden-variety” type produces soft-to-loud ringing, humming or rushing-water sounds
Tonal Tinnitus causes a constant chiming sound like a musical note played over and over again
Pulsatile Tinnitus produces sound that pulsates in time with one’s heartbeat
Mixed Tinnitus causes multiple noises to be heard simultaneously
Objective Tinnitus is extremely rare, and produces noise heard not only by the affected individual but by others as well!

Although frustrating, Tinnitus is rarely serious and often resolves on its own. But, if you are experiencing constant, unexplained noise, it’s important to see a hearing care practitioner for a comprehensive hearing test screening, including an audiogram, medical history, physical ear examination, and tests designed to pinpoint the origin of your tinnitus.

Tinnitus has no cure, but can be relieved through a few simple steps. Try to avoid loud noise. Control your blood pressure, and decrease salt and nerve stimulants, including coffee, cola, tobacco, and aspirin. Monitor your stress level, and make sure to get ample rest and exercise.

Try experimenting with masking noise. Use a competing sound, such as a radio, white noise maker, or fan, to “cancel out” the noise you hear in your ears. Ask your hearing aid practitioner about small hearing aid devices that generate sounds to “offset” the sound your tinnitus makes. Some tinnitus patients swear by biofeedback! And, many “habituate” to their condition, meaning they get used to it and notice it less over time.

Try keeping track of what triggers your tinnitus, and give remedies a chance to work. It can take longer than you expect to experience tinnitus relief.

Finally, seek out a tinnitus support group for coping methods, compassion and the latest information on tinnitus relief. Educate your family members and friends if necessary, and ask for their support. And, stay abreast of ongoing research – successful treatments for tinnitus are right around the corner.

Jeff Germain,

Feeling Good in Your Relationship

Being in love is the best. But people don’t always get along easily. It can be hard to be clear and stand up for what we want in a calm way when we feel unhappy. Sometimes we give up too much to keep the peace. That can work in the short term, but in the long term you might feel resentful. Other people get angry really quickly – again, it can work in the short term, but may not work forever. Sometimes we need help figuring out how to ask for change. It helps to know about love languages — this is the way you like to have love shown to you. Everyone is different – some people prefer touch, or quality time, or acts of service. What are your hopes for your relationship? Counselling provides a safe and non-judgemental place to consider what else you can do to keep your relationship healthy and happy. Mary Munro,

In The Zone

BELIEVING is the most important part of the mental game of any sport or leisure activity. If you want to change your experience, change your beliefs – at the subconscious level. Learn to hit the ball, SEE THE BALL, be AWARE of the game set around you and play with confidence. BELIEVE in your ability and watch your game improve daily! Hypnotherapies for sports and leisure activity performance treats anxieties and blocks at the subconscious level, improving your underlying beliefs in your abilities. Remember how good you felt when you first hit a ball cleanly, made a wonderful putt, sank a shot, made a fabulous pass to a teammate, returned an impossible serve, got your first strikeout or made it to the podium? Hypnosis works with your subconscious beliefs to eliminate anxieties, release old blocks, and bring those wonderful feelings of being in the moment.

Pete Flagg,

Canadian Mental Health Association launches manifesto for better mental health in BC

It’s time to change the way we think about mental health and addictions care in BC.

The Canadian Mental Health Association in BC today unveiled a five-point manifesto that lays out a set of concrete and practical actions to improve the lives of people living with mental health and addictions problems.

The manifesto is a call to action for all British Columbians to get behind the idea that mental health and physical health should be valued equally. It outlines a series of recommendations on how we can create better mental health and addictions care in BC.

We would never knowingly wait until Stage 4 to intervene for cancer; we educate, screen, and take action in the early stages. CMHA BC firmly believes that we need to do the same for mental illnesses and addictions. b4stage4 is about preventing mental illness and addiction, and for those who are experiencing symptoms, intervening in the early years before people reach a crisis point.

When it comes to better mental health and addictions care, there is plenty of evidence for what works. The manifesto calls for BC to adopt community-based programs that have proven successful in treating the early symptoms of low mood, anxiety, and stress. They are cost-effective supports to our overburdened system in BC. But more needs to be done to ensure people get the help they need at any stage or age.

“There is a moral and economic imperative to act b4stage4. Our goal here is to engage individuals and organizations across BC in our manifesto for change,” says Bev Gutray, CEO of CMHA BC. “This is a real opportunity for us all to move toward prevention and early intervention in mental health and addictions, and away from the overuse of emergency services and the justice system.”

“We know that the demand for our health care system is outpacing supply. In fact, demand for mental health and addiction services is expected to more than triple by 2036. ” continues Gutray.   “Too many British Columbians diagnosed with mental illness, such as depression, are not able to access the help they need.“

CMHA is calling on the public to take part in this conversation and support the b4stage4 campaign.

British Columbians are encouraged to register their support at There, they can sign the manifesto.

Natural Product Review: pureWash® Pro

pureWash® Pro is a breakthrough in home laundry purification. As it turns out, your laundry has been keeping a dirty little secret, (It’s really not that clean at all!). Detergent may leave clothes smelling clean, but it does not eliminate the mold and bacteria that builds up from sports activities, pets, and everyday living. pureWash® Pro cleans clothes with the disinfecting power of oxygen, not detergent. This same technology is used in Hospitals and Hotels. It’s clinically proven to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and mold, plus it’s both safe for the environment and for family members of all ages! If you have sensitive skin, you will not get skin irritations as you do from detergent. Detergent build-up promotes mold growth and does not kill bacteria. Independent, scientific studies have proven pureWash® Pro kills 99.9% of both with cold water. The power of naturally oxygenated water eliminates dirt, bacteria, and mold better than detergent!

Kevin Shale, Low Environmental Impact Technologies,

3 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

It’s officially cold and flu season. Here are five simple things you can do to improve your body’s natural immunity: 1. Drink a TON of Water: Ensuring you are hydrated is an important part of keeping your immune system strong. Try to drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water each day to keep your body in tiptop shape and ready to fight cold and flu bugs. 2. Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The body regenerates and repairs itself while you sleep. Getting a proper night’s rest – between six and eight hours – is important for keeping your body’s natural defenses at optimum efficiency. 3. Take a Hot/Cold Shower: The next time you take a shower try alternating hot and cold water. Research shows the body’s immune system is stimulated when it tries to warm itself up in between the extreme temperature changes. White blood cell production is increased and endorphins are released that help you relax and relieve pain.

Brett Scott,

Canadian Mental Health Association launches manifesto for better mental health in BC

Canadian Mental Health Association launches manifesto for better mental health in BC

It’s time to change the way we think about mental health and addictions care in BC


The Canadian Mental Health Association in BC today unveiled a five point manifesto that lays out a set of concrete and practical actions to improve the lives of people living with mental health and addictions problems.

The manifesto is a call to action for all British Columbians to get behind the idea that mental health and physical health should be valued equally. It outlines a series of recommendations on how we can create better mental health and addictions care in BC.

We would never knowingly wait until Stage 4 to intervene for cancer; we educate, screen, and take action in the early stages. CMHA BC firmly believes that we need to do the same for mental illnesses and addictions. b4stage4 is about preventing mental illness and addiction, and for those who are experiencing symptoms, intervening in the early years before people reach a crisis point.

When it comes to better mental health and addictions care, there is plenty of evidence for what works. The manifesto calls for BC to adopt community-based programs that have proven successful in treating the early symptoms of low mood, anxiety, and stress. They are cost-effective supports to our overburdened system in BC. But more needs to be done to ensure people get the help they need at any stage or age.

“There is a moral and economic imperative to act b4stage4. Our goal here is to engage individuals and organizations across BC in our manifesto for change,” says Bev Gutray, CEO of CMHA BC. “This is a real opportunity for us all to move toward prevention and early intervention in mental health and addictions, and away from the overuse of emergency services and the justice system.”

“We know that the demand for our health care system is outpacing supply. In fact, demand for mental health and addiction services is expected to more than triple by 2036.[1]” continues Gutray. “Too many British Columbians diagnosed with mental illness, such as depression, are not able to access the help they need.

CMHA is calling on the public to take part in this conversation and support the b4stage4 campaign. British Columbians are encouraged to register their support at There, they can sign the manifesto.

To launch b4stage4, CMHA BC will also be hosting a b4stage Conference in Victoria on November 28-30 to further explore ways in which the system can be improved. The b4stage4 Conference will bring together speakers that are both experts in their field and have lived experience of mental health issues. The Right Honourable Norman Lamb, Member of Parliament, United Kingdom, will be the keynote speaker. As a British Liberal Democrat politician, the Right Honourable Lamb played a leading role in driving mental health care to the top of the political agenda in the UK. He steered the 2014 Care Act through Parliament and introduced maximum wait time standards for mental health.

For more information on the conference and to sign up for updates go to

Natural Remedy for Thick Hair

Did you know that regular use of castor oil might stimulate and increase hair growth, reduce and prevent breakage, and condition and moisturize the hair and scalp? Castor oil is a humectant, meaning it attracts and retains moisture to the skin and hair. The antibacterial and anti-fungicidal properties of ricinoleic acid in castor oil protects the scalp against hair loss, while making hair stronger, smoother, and less frizzy. To use, dilute the castor oil with another oil (think argan, coconut, or sweet almond). Castor oil is very thick, which can make it hard to apply. Warm the oils and start with damp, but not wet hair. Massage your head with your fingertips using small, circular motions. Use your fingers to comb your hair; this helps distribute the oil. For best results, treat yourself to castor oil twice a week.

The Not-So-Great Outdoors

Many cat owners feel a bit guilty about keeping their cats inside and worry they are depriving them of their natural instincts. If this is you, take comfort in knowing that since cats have been domesticated, it is not essential that they experience the great outdoors to have a healthy life. After all, their wonderful owners provide their food, water, and sleeping quarters! They no longer have to hunt for their supper nor a warm place to curl up for the night. If you allow your cat to experience the outdoors without restrictions, it can be very easy for it to pick up a disease, be exposed to poisonous substances, or get injured by a predator or a vehicle. Playing regularly with your cat and providing it with entertaining toys can easily satisfy your cat’s stalking instinct, keep it stimulated, and provide the exercise it needs to stay purr-fectly healthy and happy!

Avoid Financial Stress This Christmas

The upcoming holiday season may promote excessive spending.

The best way to cope with a materialistic time of year is not to

fall prey to pressure from the retail world. At the end of the day,

as long as there is Christmas, there will be gift-giving. How

much money should you plan to set aside for this season? Many

financial planners recommend spending no more than 1.5% of

your annual income on holiday spending. For example, if your

annual household income is $50,000 you should spend $750 or

less on holiday gifts, travel, and entertainment. After you set

a budget, aim to pay cash for your purchases, buy local, find

sales, and avoid applying for department store credit cards that

can put you further into debt. Remember what’s most important.

The holidays are a time for making memories and spending

time with family. Give yourself a break and remember the

true meaning of the holidays!


Colleen Craig, CPA CA, CIRP,