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What is Homeoprophylaxis?

Every parent wants to ensure the best health for his or her child. Vaccines are a wonderful way to prevent certain infectious diseases but may come with a heavy price tag in the form of chronic disease, including auto-immune and neurological disorders. Aluminum adjuvants, used in most vaccines, are potent neurotoxins and immune stimulants. Children are sicker than ever before with chronic allergies, asthma and a plethora of behavioural and developmental disorders. Homeoprophylaxis, the use of homeopathic remedies for the prevention of infectious diseases, has a 200-year history of safety and efficacy. Countries like India, Brazil and Cuba have used homeoprophylaxis on a large scale to prevent serious disease. India recently treated 20 million people to prevent Japanese Encephalitis. Death rates went from more than 1500 per year to zero. Homeoprophylaxis also has great potential to protect children’s health and every parent would be well-advised to investigate it.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND, FCAH,

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