Community News
Do You Have Restless Legs?

Are your legs keeping you from falling asleep? HealthLink BC identifies Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) as a disorder related to sensation and movement. The symptoms, often most severe at night, are unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations in the legs that cause an irresistible urge to move them. Moving the legs only relieves the discomfort temporarily. If symptoms are mild, a few lifestyle changes may be enough to control them. *Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine *Keep the bedroom cool, quiet, and comfortable *Get regular exercise *Massage the leg or use heat or ice packs. Some people find relief when wearing VoxxLife socks with woven HPT technology.

Benefits of Therapeutic Recreation

At the core of therapeutic recreation is the idea that recreation and leisure are integral to the quality of life. This is especially important for seniors who may be at increased risk of isolation and loneliness which can have a detrimental effect on their physical and mental health. The recreation programming at Seniors Communities offers a number of benefits for the emotional and spiritual realms of life, including *Decreasing symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. *Fostering positive experiences. *Improving self-confidence. *Increasing sense of belonging. *Decreasing loneliness, boredom and expressive behaviours.

Stay Connected to Family and Friends

It is important for seniors to maintain strong connections with family and friends. Social connections can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation and make life more enjoyable. Regular activities, such as having coffee with friends or going for a walk, can help. Friends and family can also offer emotional and practical support. If you are taking care of someone with dementia, or other ongoing health issues, it is important to make sure you have time for yourself. Maintain a balanced schedule and take time to do activities that make you happy, such as reading a book, listening to music, or spending time in nature.


In 2022, several internet sources reported that Super Bowl LVI was THE largest sports betting sporting event in North America, including an increased percentage of prop bets ( x > 60%-70%). The Lombardi Line talk show reported a record handle at $179M+ (Las Vegas oddsmakers). The days of simply predicting a win/loss, quarter points or basic point spread are far behind us. Micro-betting, early cash outs, prop bets and other in-game betting features have heightened the gambling experience, mirroring slot machines in their neuro-chemical impact on the brain. How much betting will this year’s Super Bowl draw in?

Wellness Expo – FREE Community Event

Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living™ is thrilled to present the 3rd Annual Wellness Expo on February 25 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. It will be a day to explore various approaches to health, nutrition, fitness and overall wellbeing. The Expo is FREE to attend. Check the Wellness Expo website for a list of exhibitors, health talks and door prizes.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

My face in the mirror isn’t wrinkled or drawn. My house isn’t dirty. The cobwebs are gone. My garden looks lovely and so does my lawn. I think I might never put my glasses back on.

Brain Teasers

1. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world? 2. What can travel around the world while staying in one corner? 3. What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don’t want to use it?

There Is No Quick Fix

Post-holiday debt can pile up quickly. Rising interest rates and the cost of living, food and fuel can become very overwhelming. Sometimes gambling can be seen as a quick fix to achieve financial relief. When we’re vulnerable, gambling can cost us more than money; it can also cost our relationships, our mental and physical health. If finances are tight, seek credit counselling; talk to your bank or financial advisor. Gambling is meant to be entertainment and not a solution to financial problems. Reach out to us here at VI Gaming Support. We’re here to help!

Depression in Older Adults

Many older adults fail to recognize the symptoms of depression or don’t take the steps to get the help they need. There are many reasons why elderly depression is often overlooked. You may assume that is just part of aging or you may be isolated with few people around to notice your distress. You also may be reluctant to ask for help. Of course, when you’re depressed, putting steps into action can be hard, but taking a short walk, for example, can boost your mood for the next two hours. By taking small steps day by day, you’ll find yourself feeling more energetic and hopeful again. Reach out for help if you are struggling.

Is Your Liver Healthy?

The liver plays a major role in many processes in our body (immunity, hormonal balance, detox). It is negatively impacted by increasing amounts of toxins in our food, household and beauty products and environment. Unfortunately, many of us don’t recognize the cry of our liver for help and don’t realize it has become sluggish and toxic until it starts seriously failing. There are many things you can do to support your liver: good sleep, no alcohol, a better diet (avoiding refined sugars, carbs and fats). In the Harmonic Egg we use orange and yellow lights, flute music and wood elements.